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With greatest relief, this is the long overdue announcement of the official dissolution of Farhad’s marriage to Ms. Farah Rahmani, a.k.a. Tina Rahmani. In early April 2017, Farhad filed for divorce on the grounds of physical and emotional cruelty and the Supreme Court of British Columbia granted him the divorce in February 2018.

Ms. Rahmani forfeited the opportunity to be a member of this family by purposefully and methodically undermining it.

I am Farhad’s older sister. It has been a trying several years for all of us - from our father (Baba) who has been subjected to Farah Rahmani’s menacing ways - to my son Alex who not only was physically assaulted by Ms. Rahmani but also has had to modify and adapt his professional responsibilities and personal life to be able to spend extended periods in Canada to guard Baba against her violence - to our selfless cousin who graciously took over attending to Baba when Farhad had to dodge Farah Rahmani’s rage and neither Alex nor I could be there - but in particular, my heart aches for Farhad who is too trusting and has endured so much.


In spring 2016, a number of law enforcement and mental health professionals, with practical experience with the characteristics and behavior exhibited by Farah Rahmani, cautioned she would not take an abrupt and permanent separation from Farhad lightly and advised us to implement measures to protect ourselves.

In general, the immediate family has been waiting with consternation but has had to tread carefully so as not to put Farhad in further peril.

We were aware that we were normalizing Ms. Rahmani’s misrepresentations by not retorting her barbs as they happened. When we knew she was targeting someone and believed they were in imminent danger, we cautioned them but refrained from being oppositional and declined to defend ourselves to relatives, friends, and 'community members' against her fabrications and accusations as they happened because that is not who and what we are.

As Farah Rahmani’s relentless maleficence toward Farhad, the family, and others continues, the time has come for us to say what we have been holding back.


This monograph is composed of some of my notes, observations, sketches, and essays on various media from napkins to paper grocery bags during the past several years.

I started questioning Ms. Rahmani's motives shortly after meeting her for the first time. The full extent of her plan eluded me at that time but it was clear even then that she meant to harm Baba and the rest of the family. It was also obvious that her ruse included 'flattering and stroking' me to the point of (literally and figuratively) supporting her as she attempted to create friction between Farhad and the rest of the family.

So, as Farah Rahmani seized (and often created) opportunities to meet and converse with me, I chronicled our many interactions and noted my observations and communications with others about her for an accurate, contemporaneous record to help me 'figure' her and make sense of her abhorrent and inexplicable behavior.

Albeit in their rough form, I have now agreed to the release of some of those notes in this format because, if any good is to come out of our experience, it is that it may serve as a warning – Specifically, to motivate others to ponder potential perils of rash marriages as well as to highlight the effects of unaddressed and uncontrolled mental illness on those who suffer from it and its heavy toll on unsuspecting bystanders.

Further, I hope our experience raises awareness about the fact that many male victims of domestic violence suffer in silence because of society’s biases.

If it helps just one person, it is worthwhile. Similarly, since Farah Rahmani is a serial predator, I hope this information helps her other targets and victims counter some of her effects.


Petition to divorce Farah Rahmani
Petition to divorce Farah Rahmani

Decree of divorce from Farah Rahmani


This narrative details the circumstances of Farhad and Farah Rahmani’s marriage, the emotional and physical pain Farhad has endured, and some of the immediate family’s individual and collective experiences.

It also identifies domestic abusers’ more common traits and tactics, provides insight into the interplay of mental disorders and domestic violence, and explores the challenges from the perspectives of mental health professionals and law enforcement officials.

Although the focus is on female abusers and their male victims, this could happen regardless of the genders with which the individuals involved identify.

Domestic abusers know how to identify the meek and isolate and victimize them. Farhad’s trusting, easygoing, and gentle nature along with his agreeableness and generosity, make him a particularly easy target for seasoned predators like Farah Rahmani.

He has a history of victimization by several other opportunists who also thought him easy to take advantage of and targeted him for their manipulations; however, none of those individuals was as intensely violent and dangerous as Farah Rahmani and none ventured to harm the family as a whole.

Domestic abusers also know how to isolate and quench the light out of their victims. Many victims of domestic violence give up and acquiesce. Farhad’s life and spirit were saved only by the grace of God.


Farah Rahmani has been ordered by the court to stay away from Farhad permanently, cautioned to stop harassing and stalking the family and him, and served with a legal Demand to cease and desist from defaming, libeling, and slandering us. In total disregard of those mandates, her depravities, shameless prevarications, and maleficence toward Farhad and the family continue.

Farah Rahmani can be convincing. She is also quite dangerous and tends to lash back at those who she thinks have wronged her and/or those who do not agree with her. In particular, she has maliciously targeted several people who had fallen under her influence but later recognized her game for what it was.

The decision to wait until now to share this information was not only to protect Farhad but also in part to protect certain individuals who innocently - but foolishly - aligned with Ms. Rahmani.

They believed by "helping her reunite with Farhad" as she presented it, they were doing ‘God’s Work’. She was using them to bully and physically and emotionally abuse Farhad further. They did not know Farah Rahmani turns against those who do not deliver what she expects!

Farhad may be too kind and considerate to speak for himself and call out such individuals for causing additional distress but I can and will.


The tone and fervor with which I am composing this are byproducts of the subject matter.

This is as much Farhad's story as it is about Farah Rahmani. Nothing is 'hearsay' or 'rumor'. Everything can be verified, corroborated, and is well documented. Multiple audio and video recordings, and/or EXIF preserved photographs, and/or official documentations, and/or eyewitnesses, and/or Ms. Rahmani’s own declarations and admissions in texts, e-mails, and voice mails support 100% of each fact or occurrence.

Moreover, none of this is 'gossip'. If I have not done so already, I am willing and ready to repeat each item about each individual to his or her face in person. I like to think that those who know me know I neither telltale nor backbite. I say what I have to say to the very individual. If my moral reservations cannot be resolved, then I have no qualms about discarding that individual from my life and dissociating from their memory or mention totally, absolutely, and permanently.

In addition to the legal instruments that forbid her from any contact with, or mention of, this family, on numerous occasions in person, on the phone, via e-mails, and in text messages, I have personally, specifically, and unequivocally demanded that Farah Rahmani “stay away from the family” and “keep us out of” her diabolical schemes. Alas, she has made it abundantly clear that she cannot get us out of her system!

As Farah Rahmani has persistently initiated contact with us and continues to denigrate us in person, on the phone, and on social media, I have the prerogative and am well within my rights to say my piece. The difference is that, whereas we have decades of well-supported and verifiable information about Ms. Rahmani and her patterns, what she prefers to weave - not only about us but also about others - is a web of figments and lies.


If anyone thinks any occurrence, action, or behavioral pattern presented here is one bit less than the truth, I invite him or her to sue me and try to justify that claim in court. It shall be my absolute pleasure to present - and broadcast far and wide - my collection of corroborating documents, video and audio files and photographs as well as showcase the eye-witnesses.

If anything, everything here is watered down. I hesitate to recount many of Farah Rahmani's depravities because some of them make even the unabashed yours truly blush. Moreover, my heart aches even when I see a relatively brief video of her brutal attacks on Farhad.

I am not inclined to sort and pick through thousands of messages and e-mails and hundreds of audio and video files because that will mean subjecting myself to reading more of Farah Rahmani's witless twaddles and seeing and hearing her attack Farhad mercilessly as she pounces, screeches, shrieks, and laughs with sinister pleasure - But make no mistake! I will gladly post every damning document, threatening text message, and compromising photograph; present every witness; and broadcast every violent and profanity-laden video and audio recording and harassing voice mail far and wide if that can spare another brother, another son, another uncle, another nephew, another cousin, another sister, and another father from this horrific experience.


My exploration of the intricacies of the deviant psyche shall draw upon current research about domestic abuse and deviant behavior and conclusions of the mental health and law enforcement professionals who have met and engaged in extensive discourse with Farah Rahmani. These individuals' perspectives are so similar because indications of Ms. Rahmani's challenges are so definitive but, of course, since they are bound by professional codes of conduct, until and unless they have a subject’s informed consent, they do not render 'formal' opinions and expect their conclusions will be presumed speculative.

To expound on those determinations, I presume to infer from the relevant aspects of my training and professional background - Specifically, teaching psychology, intercultural communication, and professional ethics, and researching diagnostic criteria and causes and effects of mental disorders.


As troubling it is for me to write this, and for you to read it, this narrative must exist on “paper” in one comprehensive format. Without this context, a video here, a document there are insufficient in explaining Farah Rahmani's behaviors and deterring future harm by her and others like her. Still, although I anticipate it will be voluminous, I will share just a sampling. For each example or instance here, dozens remain unsaid.

There is no time and patience – either yours or mine - to tell all. Suffice it that the family has been contending with Farah Rahmani’s shenanigans almost daily. If it is not one thing, it is another with no chance to catch our breaths. This is precisely how she wears her victims down. She is relentless, full of energy, and does not seem to need sleep until she crashes.


I appreciate that some may think I should be more circumspect. I often offer the other cheek but humbly beg to digress in this case.

This is not just about Farhad and this family and it is certainly not about me. We know we cannot put that particular genie back into the bottle. We are just grateful that Farhad survived.

Emotional effects of Ms. Rahmani continue to reverberate when we hear or read about other victims of domestic abuse. Some other victims are not as resilient as Farhad is.

Beyond the profound effects of domestic violence on families who must witness their loved ones suffer, victims often face a lifetime of fear, flashbacks, and debilitating stress-induced conditions including, but not limited to heart disease, asthma, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. In fact, many survivors of domestic abuse exhibit the same psychobiological correlates of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that combat veterans who suffer from it experience.

This profile is with hope of raising awareness about how predators - not just Ms. Rahmani - operate and alert all would-be victims. Farah Rahmani is just one abusive spouse and Farhad is just one victim of intimate partner violence. While names and back-stories differ, many of the issues and tendencies are the same. Naturally, it would be an added relief if it also serves to alert her targets.


Farah Rahmani victimized other unsuspecting people long before meeting Farhad and her malignancy continues to harm others as I write this.

She burnt her house down and injured herself in the process presumably to spite one husband. She bullied another husband and his family into giving her 500 gold coins in exchange for letting him be.

Farah Rahmani has no sense for loyalty. The husband she extorted the gold from is her first cousin. So in effect, she targeted her own paternal aunt's family for shakedown. She has even taken her own brother's family to court over a cockamamie claim.

She also stole from the boyfriend who facilitated her unsavory plan for Farhad and this family and, after the divorce, took her in because he “felt sorry for her”. He ultimately had to call the police to force her to leave.

Reportedly Farah Rahmani, who is not shy about her wicked ways, often boasted about her diabolical plan for Farhad to that boyfriend. Later, to bully and keep him on the straight and narrow, she threatened to do to him "what she did to Farhad".

Farah Rahmani carries multiple cell phones, records every interaction, then patches and strings bits and pieces of those recordings to support her criminal or torturous intentions. To catch unsuspecting people off guard, she pretends to play games on one as she records with the others in her purse or pocket.

More recently, she got a merchant to brag about his shrewd and potentially questionable business practices as she recorded him. She then blackmailed him by threatening to share the recording with his customers and competitors.

Now, reportedly, she is soliciting local charities for money while being employed as an elderly person’s caregiver.

Farah Rahmani’s only concern is what can promote her 'grand design'. Her former employers attest that she "lacks the capacity to act in good faith". She has made several attempts on my own elderly father’s life and extorted several thousand dollars from my more vulnerable friends and relatives.

Farah Rahmani is the rabid dog that consistently and indiscriminately bites the hand that feeds her. If the combination of repeated past violence, a short fuse, and a slew of untreated and deeply rooted issues is a predictor of future violence, then in all good conscience, I cannot remain silent in this case.

Nevertheless, to avoid embarrassing her, I am holding back much of what she did and said. The bits and pieces here are trivial in comparison.


I also appreciate that some may deem the insights into Ms. Rahmani's proclivities in earlier parts extraneous.

I aim to alert would-be victims by raising awareness about the signs and tendencies observed in domestic abusers. Those insights are in tandem with information which appears later about more common characteristics of deviant personalities.

For example, Farah Rahmani's inability to appreciate jokes and laugh at punchlines is not a fluke and it is not being shared 'just because'. When considered along with her other tendencies, it constitutes a diagnostic criterion of great interest to mental health professionals.

Similarly, the accounts that she takes advantage of unsuspecting individuals by recording them are to alert would-be victims, and details such as the circumstances which enabled Farah Rahmani to obliterate multiple marriages and at least one offspring from her current birth certificate are with hopes of highlighting some of what can happen when one marries and sponsors a sight-unseen imported or mail-ordered individual.

By the same token, particulars of Ms. Rahmani’s nationality, religion, and political views are toward contrasting her cultural, moral, and philosophical leanings with Farhad’s. In this case, they are relevant in as much as they embolden the abuser; however, intimate partner abuse can happen regardless of whether the culprit is an explicit atheist from the Mariana Trench or a wholesome devout from next door.


Although some of Farah Rahmani’s behavior may be driven by a disturbed psyche, to dismiss her actions altogether as irrational underestimates her capacity to calculate, intentionally plan, manipulate, and persist.

As Farhad learned after the fact, to motivate him to marry her and facilitate her immigration to Canada, Farah Rahmani cast a very elaborate net and misrepresented many aspects of her personal and social background.

I find extreme raw emotions too abasing, yet it has been a struggle to keep my feelings about Ms. Rahmani’s brief interjection into our lives in check. It has cast a hefty shadow over my long-held belief in the fundamental goodness of human nature.

Beyond the emotional toll on them, Farah Rahmani physically hurt my father, my brother, and my son at one point or another during the past two and a half years and continues to harbor ill will toward them. All Baba, Farhad, and Alex ever did was welcome and treat her warmly and unconditionally.

Despite all of this, I cannot help but have profound pity for Farah Rahmani for creating the murky universe she lives in; being consumed by her envies and infantile fancies; missing out on the real world – good or bad, up or down; and for her inability to savor and cherish acts of kindness.


Current Situation

Farah Rahmani’s depravities and maleficence toward Farhad, this family, and others continue.

We do not presume to pick and choose the people with whom our friends, extended relatives, and 'community members' associate; however, we would be remiss if we were not advising those who plan to continue their association with her to do so at their own peril.

We also request that they keep us out of anything they think they have going with Ms. Rahmani. This includes sharing with her any information about Farhad and the rest of the family - regardless of how wonderful.

A court-issued order permanently prohibits Farah Rahmani from approaching Farhad or attempting any contact with him at his home, workplace, and elsewhere in person or otherwise. This includes passing on messages via intermediaries - Regardless of how well-intentioned those intermediaries are and how thoughtful the message is.

In addition, Farah Rahmani has been legally served with a “Demand to Cease and Desist” from defaming, libeling, and slandering this family, placing it under false light, and propagating derogatory material about it. This includes, but is not limited to, imputing falsehoods about Farhad and his character.

We have been advised that we can conjoin any proceedings against Ms. Rahmani with actions against those who facilitate her ability to continue stalking, following, hounding, harassing, attacking, and disseminating defamatory and malicious slanderous and libelous misrepresentations, allegations, and falsehoods.

Further, we refer those who are inclined to subscribe to Farah Rahmani’s antics to law enforcement authorities for their insights and conclusions about her.

Ms. Rahmani has repeatedly demonstrated her disregard for legal mandates. I shall not expound upon ongoing concerns and investigations into her actions which may or may not be happening. Suffice it that her victimization of Farhad and the rest of the family is not an anomaly. Farah Rahmani has attacked, swindled from, bullied, and victimized a number of other people including Farhad’s friends and coworkers as well as her own friends, neighbors, boyfriends, medical professionals, public officials, and merchants and their businesses in just the short time she has been in Canada.


Domestic Violence is also called "Domestic Abuse", "Spousal Abuse", "Intimate Partner Abuse", and "Intimate Partner Violence". It can happen in a variety of ways including:
  • Physical abuse - Pushing, shoving, hitting, punching, kicking, biting, choking, throwing objects at the person, and using weapons.

  • Sexual abuse - Unwanted sexual advances; forcing or pressuring someone to have sex (intercourse and outercourse); touching, groping, or forcing him or her to watch pornography.

  • Financial abuse - Taking money, controlling finances; preventing, interfering, or disrupting work.

  • Emotional abuse - Denigrating, forcing isolation from family and friends, making someone feel bad, using scare tactics, stalking, blackmailing, playing mind games, constantly 'checking up' on him or her, coercive control, and threatening suicide to get something.

  • Digital or online abuse - Using technology to isolate, humiliate, limit, or control someone or monitor his or her activities.

If you are a victim of domestic violence or know someone who is being victimized in either the U.S. or Canada, please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) | 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) or visit the hotlines' portal. Advocates are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Also in Canada, VictimLinkBC at 1-800-563-0808 offers confidential service across British Columbia and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Details are available at the VictimLinkBC website.

Contents and Structure

This site is comprised of the following sections.

Please use the scrollbar to navigate up and down the menu in the sidebar. Sections with down arrows in the menu contain subsections.

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For help and further information, please either click the “Resources” link at the top of the page or scroll all the way down. I can be contacted via e-mail by clicking the “Contact” link.


Announcement | Prologue | Current Situation
Introduction, Meeting, and Marriage | The Spousal Sponsorship Program | The Family’s Initial Reaction | Arrangement by Alex and Me to Go To/From Canada
Signs of Trouble | Extension of Arrangement by Alex and Me to Go To/From Canada | Farah Rahmani's Efforts at Keeping Farhad From Spending Time With His Family
Abusers and Their Victims | Farhad’s Quiet Submission | Male Victims of Domestic Violence
Controlling Deviant Behavior
How We Found Out | Farah Rahmani’s Violence - The Recordings
Farah Rahmani’s Aggression and Nature of Her Abusive Behavior . Bouts of Anger and Tantrums . Physical assaults . Depriving Farhad of Sleep . Locking Farhad Out . Orchestrating Very loud, Very Messy, Very Public Displays . Coercing Farhad by Threatening to Defame Others and Physically Harm Them or Herself . Monitoring and Controlling Farhad’s Activities and Communications . Withholding Farhad's Driver’s License, Bankcard, and Car Key . Confiscating Farhad’s Passport, Birth Certificate, Official Mail, and Other Important Documents . Disrupting Farhad’s Work, and Confronting and Attacking his Coworkers and Clients . Interrupting Farhad’s Work-Related Communications and Embarrassing Him . Insulting, Detaining, and Assaulting Farhad’s Friends and Coworkers When They Visited as His Guests . Interfering with Farhad’s Association with His Family and Friends | Dehumanizing, Humiliating, and Denigrating Farhad | Stalking and Harassing Farhad and the Rest of the Immediate Family
Farhad's Attempts to Escape Farah Rahmani's Wrath | Separation | After the Separation
Farah Rahmani’s Original Plan | Attempts to Create Rifts Between Farhad and Other Members of his Immediate Family | Unsavory Plan for Baba | Farah Rahmani’s Relentless Pursuit of Farhad’s Doctor | Immediate Family's Reaction to Farah Rahmani's Original Plan
Farah Rahmani’s Approach After her Original Plan Failed | How and Why Farah Rahmani's Plan Unraveled
Farah Rahmani's Attempt to Tighten the Noose by Inciting and Instigating others to do Her Bidding | Methods to Denigrate Farhad and the Family . Concocting Fictional Scenarios and Stories . Untrue and Misleading Portrayal of Farhad . Vilification of Farhad and Other 'Community Members' . Twisting Bits and Pieces and Embellishing Fiction with Plausible | Typical Behavior During Tête-à-têtes | Eliciting Empathy . Dumbing down and Pretending to a Lesser Command of English . Pretending Inordinate Naiveté With Culture and Surroundings . Purporting Farhad Uprooted Her . Feigning Frailty and Debility
Perils of Importing Sight-Unseen Brides | Immediate Family’s Moral and Cultural Compass | A Possible Reason for Why Farhad Opted to Marry an Iranian | A Possible Reason for Why Farhad Opted to Marry Farah Rahmani in Particular | Cognitive Dissonance?
Baba’s Condition | Pilfering | Security Measures
Alex’s Ordeals with Farah Rahmani as he Cared for Baba . Farah Rahmani’s Initial Approach to Alex . Soliciting Money From Alex . Intercepting Farah Rahmani’s Plans for Baba . Making the Best of a Bad Situation
Other People’s Money: The Subject of Farah Rahmani’s Affection . Leeching Money Under False Pretenses | Farah Rahmani's Gambling Habit | Farah Rahmani’s Viewpoints on Social Issues | Farah Rahmani's Deep Rooted Biases and Radical Views
Farah Rahmani is Atypical! | Theories About Why Farah Rahmani is This Way | Nature or Nurture?
Deviant Behavior | My Quest for Answers | Mental Disorders | Farah Rahmani’s Idiosyncrasies | Empathy for Farah Rahmani
Farah Rahmani and Me | My Approach to Farah Rahmani
Support From Relatives and Friends | Let Down | Warning!


Introduction, Meeting, and Marriage

In 2014, Farhad met Ms. Rahmani through a business acquaintance who said she knew a nice woman in Iran, believed they would be compatible, and gave him her phone number.

That acquaintance has since acknowledged having been pressured by Farah Rahmani to find her a husband with the means to sponsor her and, during several of her tantrums, Ms. Rahmani admitted to having paid that person for the introduction.


After speaking on the phone and texting for a few months, Farah Rahmani was very anxious to get married. She suggested they proceed through Canada’s Spousal Sponsorship program and coached Farhad about each step of the process.

For example, since he could not go to Iran, she said they should marry in Turkey because Canada accepts marriage certificates issued by the Government of Turkey. She also did a lot of the paperwork and 'found' the brokers, travel agent, guides, hotel and transportation, et al. they needed.

In November 2014, Farhad went to Turkey from Canada and Farah Rahmani went there from Iran. They married two weeks later on November 21, 2014. A few days after the civil and religious ceremonies, Farhad returned to Canada and Ms. Rahmani went back to Iran to wait until her immigration application was processed.


Farah Rahmani had already started the ball rolling with respect to her application. She kept on top of the paperwork and the other requirements and followed up when there were delays in translating or submitting a document. She also coached Farhad about what had to be done at each point, precisely which websites to visit for information and to track the application, and how to ‘speed up the process'.

In her immigration application as well as during and subsequent to their courtship, Farah Rahmani omitted certain facts to expedite the process. For example, since all prior marriages and adult children must be accounted for (and are often verified by Canadian immigration authorities), she maintained among other things that she had been married only once before and has no offspring.

Farah Rahmani has an adult son. Also per more recently obtained records from Iran, she has been married for short spurts, multiple times. Reportedly, one of her marriages ended when she set the house on fire. Another ended when she received 500 gold coins to agree to let her then husband / first cousin and his family be.


Just as in family Bibles in the West, in relatively rural areas like Sanandaj, Iran where Farah Rahmani was born, birth and other vital records are kept by hand. Birth certificates are registries of life’s milestones in which spouses are identified, dates of marriages and divorces are reflected, and names of offspring and their dates of birth are noted as they occur.

Among other things, we have learned that to keep Farhad and the Canadian Government in the dark about her prior marriages as well as about her now adult son who, when he was a baby, was taken away from her after she burnt down their house, Farah Rahmani claimed that the original birth certificate was lost and applied for a replacement. That replacement birth certificate only includes whatever she reported in her application for a replacement, i.e., only her most recent marriage.


The Spousal Sponsorship Program

Farah Rahmani arrived in North Vancouver, Canada in November 2015.

Per the law at the time, Farah Rahmani’s permanent residence status was contingent on her cohabitation in a conjugal relationship with her sponsor, Farhad, for a continuous period of 2 years as of when she entered Canada. That two-year cohabitation condition could only be waived if she could show abuse or neglect or if Farhad died.

Reportedly, she also presumed that she stood to inherit if something happened to Baba and/or Farhad in the interim.


That rule changed about a year after she got to Canada. Sponsored imports are no longer required to prove distress in order to stay. The new rule still subjects unsuspecting sponsors to misrepresentation and fraud but were it in effect when Farah Rahmani entered Canada, Farhad may have been spared at least some of the physical trauma.

(Yay Canada! Now foreign nationals can trick Canadian citizens into marrying and sponsoring them, immediately take their sponsors for all they have, and take off with no questions or repercussions.)


The Family’s Initial Reaction

Although the immediate family was concerned about the hurried courtship and marriage, we respected Farhad’s decision to marry Ms. Rahmani and welcomed his new bride with open arms.

Farhad has been a devoted son to both our mother (Maman) and Baba. In fact, it is precisely because of Farhad’s sacrifices that our younger brother and I have been able to pursue our own interests and focus on our own lives.

He historically took care of our parents and, since Maman's passing, has shouldered more and more responsibilities as Baba has advanced in age and become more and more frail.

Shortly before Ms. Rahmani’s arrival in Canada, Farhad decided to move out. He wanted to give her time to adjust to living in Canada without the burden of having to hang around with, and take care of, an old man.

That decision was also Farhad’s way of acknowledging and accommodating the family’s reservation about the long distance nature of their courtship and their speedy marriage.


Baba's house was presented to Farah Rahmani as "spacious" and in a "prime location" by the acquaintance who introduced them. Ms. Rahmani, who had anticipated living there as of immediately after gaining entry into Canada, was clearly put off.

From the start, she tried to convince Farhad and the rest of us that they should be living in that house instead of their own place. On several occasions, she iterated that we no longer needed to be concerned about Baba's comfort and care because she “planned to take good care of [her] Baba joon when Farhad is at work".


Arrangement by Alex and Me to Go To/From Canada

Alex offered to go to Canada and stay with Baba when Farhad went to Turkey to meet and marry Ms. Rahmani. Later, we decided to take turns to be with Baba for the first few months after Ms. Rahmani’s arrival until she settles in and they move into the house.


Many from lesser-developed countries are desperate to get out. Their reasons vary but primarily fit in one of three distinct categories:
  • To escape oppressive regimes and live in amenable venues that would allow them to express themselves freely and/or work productively;

  • To satisfy their fascination with Western cultures;

  • In pursuit of free-for-all social services, "free" money, and other amenities they perceive immigrants readily receive.
Many children from lesser-developed countries are raised to aspire to leave their countries for the West. In fact, they are groomed for their eventual "getaway." (Much like young monks, novice nuns, the geisha, et al. who are groomed and coached from early childhood for their ultimate calling.) Often plans for, and the ways and means of, that "getaway" are set in motion and carefully deliberated for years in advance.

Canada and the United States are desirable destinations because of the extent of their development. In addition, for decades, Hollywood has perpetuated the myth that living in the US and (more recently) Canada is akin to frolicking in the Shangri-La without care or responsibility.

Traveling to the US and Canada is a time consuming and costly proposition. Even for temporary visas, at minimum, both countries conduct extensive background checks, and require evidence of sufficient resources for the duration and valid return tickets.

The process is much more complicated and costly when one wishes to settle in either country. Both countries require enough liquidity to facilitate starting a business and/or enable the individual to live indefinitely without social assistance. Generally, this means having more than one million dollars in liquid assets.

If his or her skills are sought after, a professional who is less affluent may be admitted by invitation from a would-be employer. Those with no money or demonstrable skills can only gain entry if they align themselves with American or Canadian individuals or relief organizations with hopes of sponsorship.

In lieu of eligibility for religious or political asylum, or substantial investment, or skill-based sponsorship, whereas many of the men trek to a neighboring country, then find their way to Europe and ultimate sponsorship, a good number of the women seek to marry Americans or Canadians for the opportunity to migrate to the US or Canada.

Signs of Trouble

Almost from the start, signs pointed to Farah Rahmani’s inability to adapt to married life. The 'independent / freethinking' persona she projected before they married quickly metamorphosed into a 'needy waif'. Farah Rahmani kept 'whining' about her circumstances and Farhad continued to send her money – one day she claimed her 'water heater was leaking', another day her 'brakes needed fixing', and another, her 'dentist’s bill was due' … on and on. Still, he did not realize what she was up to.

Then, shortly after her arrival to Canada, it became abundantly clear that Farhad and others in the immediate family were not only being swindled but also in physical danger.

Admittedly, this situation speaks to Farhad’s character as well as Ms. Rahmani’s. He tends to think everyone is as honest and genuine as he is in his interactions. So he did not think twice about accepting Farah Rahmani’s representations on face value before and, for a long time after, they married.


The facts that Farah Rahmani is abusive, has severe emotional problems, and is a swindler are independent and distinct, and abusing Farhad was not necessarily a part of her plan toward extorting from the family.

Also, whereas most abusers have emotional problems, Farah Rahmani's issues extend beyond what is common in 'functional' abusers. In essence, she is an abusive spouse who suffers from severe emotional issues and happens to be a calculating, deceitful, swindler.

At first, Ms. Rahmani's status as a "new comer" and some derivatives of her emotional issues played well with her plan to ingratiate herself and extort from Farhad and the family. Later, certain of those very issues impeded her plan’s fruition.

Obviously, she has had much practice and is quite sly but in hindsight, we are accountable for dismissing and/or justifying many of the signs along the way.


Specifically, those issues made discerning her true objective more difficult. As she was implementing her plan to undermine Farhad and this family, he felt sorry for her and erroneously attributed much of her unsavory behavior to 'culture shock'.

He believed she needed patience and attention and hoped she would cease to abuse him once she "adapts to living in Canada". He took his vows and commitment to her seriously. She was his wife and he wanted to help her.

Similarly, time after time, the family tolerated her antics, scratched its head at the inconsistencies or dismissed them, and looked for ways to help her overcome what it attributed to 'culture shock'.


Extension of Arrangement by Alex and Me to Go To/From Canada

Alex and I expected our arrangement to go back and forth to Canada to last for only a few months but it has been almost four years since Farhad went to Turkey to meet and marry Ms. Rahmani.

It did not take us too long to see he was in over his head. So we continued taking turns going back and forth. A cousin kindly and lovingly took over when neither of us could be there.

Even after Farhad left Ms. Rahmani, he and Baba were still in danger. In all good conscience, we could not have left them all alone at Ms. Rahmani’s mercy or expected Farhad to resume caring for and protecting Baba all by himself.


Farah Rahmani’s Efforts at Keeping Farhad From Spending Time With His Family

Farah Rahmani insisted on accompanying Farhad whenever he wanted to stop by. Baba’s home is between his workplace and where they lived but she did not “permit” him to stop there on his way. She expected him to first go home so they could visit Baba together. Later, she restricted Farhad even further by commandeering his car.

Even then, she cautioned Farhad against talking to us beyond the pleasantries in advance and often made it so no one could be within earshot during her 'whispering' sessions with Baba. For example, she sent Farhad off to look for a particular gadget she claimed to desperately need for her upcoming meal creation or had Alex look up something for her on the Internet.

Ms. Rahmani would not have let Farhad see and spend time with Baba alone. So even when we realized what was happening, we could not prevent her from coming to Baba's house because then, Farhad would not have been able to come. That would have isolated and endangered him even more.

All we could do was to be prepared to neutralize what she did and try to keep one step ahead of her.


Abusers and Their Victims

Domestic abusers know how to identify the meek and victimize them. Farhad’s trusting, easygoing, and gentle nature and his agreeableness and generosity, make him a particularly easy target for predators like Farah Rahmani.

He has a history of victimization by several other opportunists who also thought him easy to take advantage of and targeted him – A fact which Ms. Rahmani was well aware of when she targeted him; however, none of those individuals was as intensely violent and dangerous as Farah Rahmani and none ventured to harm the family as a whole.

Domestic abusers also know how to isolate and quench the light out of their victims. Many victims of domestic violence give up and submit to acquiescence. Farhad’s life and spirit were saved only by the grace of God.


Serial domestic abusers feed by exerting control over the people they abuse. They do not relinquish control over their existing victims until and unless they have achieved their goals and/or lined up other victims and ascertained they are primed and ready to go.

Moreover, as demonstrated by her extreme reaction whenever Farhad left to avoid an argument, Farah Rahmani seems to have a tremendous fear of abandonment.

As violent as she was toward him, she did not want Farhad out of her sight. She wanted him under her control and, if he was not at work, he had to be with her. Even when he was working, she called and stopped by his office several times a day to keep tabs.

Since her tantrums started whenever he arrived home from work, this was not because she missed him. It was to impede her private audience of one's chance to catch his breath and ascertain his present for her next outburst.


Some abusers deny responsibility. Some others try to absolve themselves by claiming that their victims drove them to it. Still others invoke other excuses to justify their actions.

Similarly, instead of taking responsibility, acknowledging adverse effects of her behavior, and working to address her issues, Farah Rahmani blames the earth, the sun, and everything in between except herself for the disintegration of their marriage.

As she continued to put the screws on Farhad, Ms. Rahmani became progressively more agitated whenever someone spoke with him - be it a cashier at the grocery store, a bank manager, a neighbor, one of his colleagues, or a client. She even forbade him from engaging in anything more than 'very basic casual conversation' with Baba and the rest of us.

Several times after their separation, Farah Rahmani proposed they “go to another city or country and start a new life together away from the jealous people who have 'jinxed'” their marriage.


Farhad’s Quiet Submission

During the earlier months, Farhad hid and/or explained away his cuts, scratches and bruises but I saw them when they were fresh on multiple occasions and was there when Farah Rahmani broke down the entry door to our father’s house, slammed against (i.e., body checked) Alex, and rushed up the steps yelling and screaming yet I still find the entire experience unreal! How could such a ruthless animal exist?

I have lived for more than half a century. I have experienced my share of misery and ecstasy. I have also seen others in utter dismay and absolute euphoria. I have crossed paths with people of almost every belief, persuasion, and deviation. I have been poisoned for my convictions, robbed at knifepoint, and worse. Yet I have never seen a creature even remotely close to this bipedal scourge.


Male Victims of Domestic Violence

Reportedly, 80 to 85 percent of domestic violence victims are women. Farhad is among the other 15 to 20 percent.

By nature, he is not litigious. Moreover, there is a social stigma associated with the notion of a woman abusing a man. Many men shy from admitting to themselves that what they are enduring is spousal abuse. More so from reporting it to authorities and risking reliving it.

In actuality, many more men suffer than the available statistics suggest. Such statistics are skewed because they only account for "self-reported" and "police-reported" numbers and most men do not report being victimized.


Moreover, there is a clear social bias. I never expected to use the word "gynocentric" in any of my writings but it seems as though that is where the sociopolitical world is heading.

Pugilist feminists (i.e., not all, just those with chips on their shoulders) argue that men are enemies; many girls are being taught erroneously that to shatter the glass ceiling, one must plow through men indiscriminately; and incidents of female-to-male domestic violence are on the rise.

Despite constant exhortations and volumes of information about intimate partner violence, most facts and figures are about violence against women. Not much is said about male victims.

In fact, several of the entities that used to report violence against each gender separately are now bundling those figures together. Some others have done away with reporting particulars of intimate partner violence on men and are now including the information under the generic "other crimes against men" category.

Also, almost all of the books, pamphlets, guidelines, etc. on the topic, use "she" and "her" when referring to victims of intimate partner violence but "he" or "him" when discussing antagonists.


Thus, criminal justice systems as well as the majority of victim support services in both Canada and the U.S. (as well as most of the rest of the world,) are geared toward female victims of domestic violence.

It takes a lot of turmoil and blood shed to propel authorities to step in when the victim is male and, even so, many jurisdictions remain unequipped to handle such cases. Often, untrained first responders subject male victims to further humiliation by snickering at the notion of a man being abused by a member of the "weaker sex".

Even when the authorities sense something wrong, unless they have a compelling reason (for example, when the victim is in a coma or dead,) they cannot intervene without the victim's disclosure and cooperation.

Many male victims are naturally reluctant to share the extent of their problems. First, our society tells its males to protect their women. Second, we expect males to maintain control of their domestic situations and families. Third, we instill that "a real man" grins and bears his circumstances and expression of pain is "unmanly".

Case-in-point, when the police officers who responded to one of Farhad's calls for help asked whether Farah Rahmani had hit him, he said, "yes, she punched me in the arm but I am a big boy. I can handle it!"

He had called for help "because his wife was acting up." Without training to recognize signs of female-on-male domestic violence, the only thing novice officers could do in such a situation was to ensure Ms. Rahmani calmed down (which is very easy for her to pretend to) and let them be.

This pattern was repeated whenever Farhad asked for "help to control" Farah Rahmani. No one pressed him because most responders are not trained to discern and manage a domestic violence situation in which the male is the victim, and he did not volunteer the extent of her violence or disclose that Farah Rahmani was consistently hurting him physically because she was threatening to harm us if he mentioned it to anyone and he felt responsible for her and for bringing her to Canada.


Of the over 93,000 victims of intimate partner violence reported in 2016 in Canada, 21% were men.

Specifically, men accounted for 2 in ten victims of violence by a current spouse, former spouse, current dating partner , and former dating partner.


Just under three in ten victims (28%) of police reported violent crime aged 15 and older had been victimized by an intimate partner. This included current and former spouses (12%), current and former dating partners (15%), and other intimate partners (0.4%).


In addition to intimate partner violence, 34% of violence victims had been victimized by a friend or acquaintance, 25% by a stranger, and 14% by a family member (other than a spouse).


More often, victims of intimate partner violence were victimized by current, rather than former, spouses or partners - 35% identified a current dating partner and 32% identified a current spouse, while 20% identified a former dating partner and 12% identified a former spouse.


- Source: Statistics Canada

Controlling Deviant Behavior

Yet another issue which makes someone of Farah Rahmani's characteristics even more dangerous is limitations of current laws and how they tie law enforcement’s hands.

Per prevalent laws, such individuals can only be held for observation for a handful of days against their will. As most are reluctant to admit to having done wrong, they do not consent to remaining in detention or continued observation. Instead, they check themselves out. In many cases, such short-term experiences actually empower them further by sharpening their skills at beating the system.

Many such individuals have high “self-regard”. They not only disregard and violate the rights of others but also disdain the police, rules of law, and conventions of civility.

They genuinely believe they do nothing wrong. Shortly after Farhad walked away from one of Farah Rahmani’s violent outbursts with bruises and scratches all over his body, Ms. Rahmani expressed, "my Conscience is comfortable because I did nothing evil or wicked to you.”

Even when pressed about a deviance, they shift responsibility by claiming something or someone forced them to do it.

Moreover, that population is particularly averse to confinement, fears persecution, and is susceptible to paranoia. As these can trigger aggression, often, temporary confinements acerbate the problem. After they check themselves out, many take retaliatory actions and accelerate their attacks on those who they perceive are guilty of perpetuating their confinement.

The only way for law enforcement and the courts to stop such individuals is if they are literally caught "in the act" and "red-handed"; however, most are quite slick – They either bide their time and strike when their victim is alone and/or helpless, or entice others into doing their bidding. Then, the unsuspecting target is even more vulnerable because s/he will not know when the next attack will happen and who will attack him/her.

The fact that some of them like Farah Rahmani are shameless in front of cameras is irrelevant. What good is an after-the-fact video to a victim who is permanently maimed or dead?


Even when caught, many claim self-defense or merely 'bat their eyelashes' and offer 'insanity' defenses.

("Insanity" is a legal concept – It suggests, the defendant is not responsible because of a temporary or persistent psychiatric issue that existed at the very moment the crime was committed. While courts can commit those who have a "persistent" issue, many who claim "temporary" insanity walk out with no consequence for their actions.)

Overall, public safety authorities are at a disadvantage with respect to such individuals. Whereas eyewitnesses and videos and/or audios can help convince the police and courts of maleficence, for as long as the victim is walking, talking, and in some jurisdictions, breathing, they can only monitor at arm’s length and issue "conduct orders" and/or "restraining orders" to prohibit the culprit from contacting, harassing, assaulting, and otherwise menacing the victim.

If that does not work, in cases involving defamation and/or slander, culprits can also be served with legal "Demand"s (and civil actions) but those do not stop someone like Farah Rahmani.

As we have seen with Farah Rahmani, many such individuals neither care for nor respect or adhere to such limitations. In fact, often, "conduct orders" and/or "restraining orders" backfire by making the individual even more sneaky and violent the next time around.

By the same tokens, their targets, victims, and their families are disadvantaged because, by complaining and bringing legal action, they risk exposing themselves and their loved ones to further retaliation and violence.


Intimate Partner Violence affects more than 12 million people each year. On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States.


More than 1 in 4 men (28.5%) in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner in their lifetime.


48.8% men in the United States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime.


Nearly 1 in 10 men (10%) in the US who have experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by a partner report a related impact on their functioning.


Nearly 4% of men have been injured as a result of Intimate Partner Violence that included rape, physical violence and/or stalking in their lifetime.


1 in 7 men (13.8%) aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.


From 1994 to 2010, about 1 in 5 victims of intimate partner violence were male.


More than half (52.4%) of male victims of sexual violence reported being raped by an acquaintance.


- Sources: usdoj.gov, ncjrs.gov, unicef.org

How We Found Out

For a long time, Farhad was reluctant to even tell us or his friends what was happening. He masked his injuries and justified those which could not be masked by claiming they were accidental. For example, "I walked into a door", or "I cut my hand when chopping vegetables," or "I accidentally hit my shin against the sharp edge of the table".


We actually found out by happenstance. If it were left to him, he would have probably continued taking Farah Rahmani's abuse to protect her and for fear she may retaliate against us. More than likely, he would have died as the result.

After one of her particularly explosive tantrums, Farhad managed to get away on foot and, as she often did in such circumstances, Farah Rahmani followed with the car and chased him up and down the street and on sidewalks.

He ran to a busy gas station hoping for its bright lights and traffic to deter her. As he hid, he saw Alex and me driving by on our way back to Baba's house after a shopping trip.

He called half an hour later and asked if we would be able pick him. He was within walking distance of his home. So we wondered but did not think much of it.

He appeared deflated, and when the car passed under a street light, we noticed his face and neck were bruised.

We pressed him into telling us what had happened and insisted he goes to the emergency room to get checked out and report Farah Rahmani to the police. He said he did not want her to get in trouble because he felt responsible for bringing her to Canada and asked if he could just stay with us for the night.

Even then, he did not say she was attacking him regularly or was threatening to harm us if he told the police. We assumed that was an isolated incident.


I remember the moment I found a video of one of Ms. Rahmani's attacks as I was transferring contents of Farhad’s old cellphone to a new one. It took several days to digest what I saw in that 2-minute video and I still have not recovered. O, my poor, poor brother. What he went through! It breaks my heart to know he was enduring such torment all the while hiding his agony to protect us.

It also breaks my heart to think of him just standing there and listening politely and silently as some Kool-Aid drinking know-nothings presumed to advise him to "be kind and return to her because she is devoted to you"!


Farah Rahmani’s Violence - The Recordings

For me, Farah Rahmani’s violence was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I could have probably tolerated everything else indefinitely … her lies, her slanderous character assassinations, her odious campaign to defame the family, her detestable attempts at extortion … but I could not turn the other cheek and let her endanger Farhad, Baba, and others.

There are plenty of videos depicting her violence toward Farhad as well as many audio files in which she threatens and/or demeans him and/or curses his faith and family.

She had the audacity to do and say all that and more in front of security cameras and in voice messages – Perhaps because she has a high opinion of herself and believed she had conned everyone else and did not expect Farhad to speak up.

In addition to many security camera videos in which Farah Rahmani unabashedly sets out to harm him, Farhad was advised to protect himself by recording her violence whenever he felt threatened.

Farah Rahmani has a very volatile nature. Farhad was mostly caught by surprise. So he could not predict how she would behave from one minute to the next to record everything that happened; nevertheless, he managed to record and preserve several of her outbursts.

Even on those videos, she frequently poses, looks directly at the camera, and smiles menacingly before and after attacking him.

At the time, Farhad still hoped that she would agree to see a counselor and address her issues. She generally denied having been violent after she had calmed down. He naively believed the recordings would make her realize she has a serious problem and get help but she would get violent whenever he tried to talk about them afterward and often made him erase them.


Farah Rahmani’s Aggression and Nature of Her Abusive Behavior


Bouts of Anger and Tantrums

Farah Rahmani’s temper is unpredictable. Her anger can erupt and her violent outbursts and shenanigans could transpire at any time and for any reason but in particular, they manifested when Farhad communicated with someone. Anyone. Including his friends and family and even clients or random clerks at stores.

Her tantrums and attacks started shortly after her arrival to Canada. At first, she attacked Farhad about once per week. He would get home from work and she would work start frothing over some type of imaginary gripe - Often about a neighbor, or a cashier he may have talked with, or a 15-minute stop he may have made at Baba's house on his way home from work.

Then, her outbursts progressed to twice a week. From May 2016 on, she was out of control almost every day over everything.


Farah Rahmani’s real and imaginary issues could work her up and fuel her frustrations at any time. She would then vent those frustrations by attacking Farhad - A typical behavior by abusers.

It did not matter that Farhad’s interaction with the other person was innocuous and/or that the other person was a total stranger. Farah Rahmani threw tantrums and attacked him for opening the door for someone who was using crutches, helping a couple transfer groceries to their cars, and holding the elevator for an elderly gentleman.

At times, she set the stage for Farhad to speak with someone only to attack him later for having done so. For example, she would have him ask something from a clerk or a neighbor, then pick a fight and attack him for speaking with that person.

This means she can anticipate her ‘demons’ and ensures she has an outlet to vent in advance. It also explains why she isolated Farhad and wanted to have him around all to herself all the time. After all, he was her punching bag!


Many of her shenanigans happened just before long weekends, holidays, and the other times when she knew Farhad would be off from work.

As indicated by her extreme reactions whenever he even as much as spoke with someone else and whenever he left to avoid an argument, Farah Rahmani harbors severe jealousies and has a tremendous fear of abandonment. Quite possibly, she caused issues to keep him from any activity she conceived he may have planned with his friends and family.

Her distorted mind preferred attacking and injuring Farhad to losing him to one of us.


Physical assaults

Instances of Farah Rahmani’s violence included but were not limited to attacking and assaulting Farhad physically. e.g., as he walked into their home after work, stepped out of the shower, as he was cooking, washing dishes, folding laundry, or simply sitting and reading a magazine, or as he slept.

Specifically – this included, but was not limited to:

  • Pushing, punching, pinching, and kicking Farhad
  • Repeatedly and forcefully poking him on his chest
  • Rushing toward him and elbowing him on his sides
  • Slapping and scratching him
  • Grabbing his ears and pulling them
  • Bending his thumb backward and applying pressure
  • Biting his ears
  • Biting his neck
  • Jumping on his chest and putting a pillow over his face as he slept
  • Throwing objects such as shoes, sticks, dishes, glassware, flower pots, or a toolbox at him
  • Hitting his face and body and striking his shin with objects (such as chairs, hammers, sticks, plates)
  • Splashing him with liquids including hot tea and soapy water
  • Spitting on him
  • Flicking lit cigarette ash on him


Farah Rahmani also did much of the sort in public on the sly. For example, to demonstrate her affection, she would reach for and grasp Farhad’s hand as they stood or sat with other people. Then, she bent his thumb backward and applied pressure all the while smiling, exchanging pleasantries, and acting as if She were the sweetest wife on the planet.

Similarly, she burned Farhad with cigarettes and spilt hot beverages on him in public, then pretended they were accidents. She also put her foot over his under the table, then grinded her heel in, gnawed on his ears as she pretended to love-nibble them, etc.

One does not master such prowess without reflection and practice! That she repeatedly got away with them so effortlessly, with a smiling face, in a crowd, at a foreign surrounding says a lot about Farah Rahmani’s depraved nature and the extent of her experience.


In addition, Farah Rahmani regularly tormented Farhad by:

Depriving Farhad of Sleep

Farah Rahmani Prevented Farhad from sleeping and/or disrupted his sleep several times during the week by attacking him or making loud noises or with frivolous excuses such as whether he had filled such and such form or questioning him about everyone he had spoken to that day.

Farhad started sleeping on the sofa when he found the knife she had brought to bed and got worried Farah Rahmani may harm him in his sleep, but she would then go to the living room and wake him up by jumping on his chest, putting a pillow on his face, pulling his ears, and biting him. Then, she would turn on the TV or put on music at loud volumes and flick cigarette ashes all over him as he tried to go back to sleep.

Also often, she grabbed him by body parts, and walked him all the way from the sofa to the bedroom. Surveillance footage show her going into the living room, sneaking in on him, and causing a ruckus time and time again.


Confining Farhad

Farah Rahmani would prevent Farhad's exit by blocking the main door, pushing him away when he tried to leave, and throwing things at him (for example, knives, china plates thrown Frisbee fashion, potted plants, a 40-Lb. tool chest). She would also threaten to harm him, make a scene, or harm herself if he left.


Locking Farhad Out

Just as when she tormented Farhad by confining him, Farah Rahmani also made him suffer by locking him out.

She often woke him up and sent him out to check the mail or discard the garbage or retrieve her sweater from the car or pick up newspapers from the store across the street after he had returned from long days from work, quickly ate, and drifted off.

Then, to prevent his access to the apartment, she either locked the door and took off for the night or put the chain on and did not respond to his knocks and calls, forcing him to spend the night in the street.

Similarly, whenever he managed to get away during her tantrums, Farhad spend those cold nights in the streets without his wallet, IDs or home and car keys because as she would admit, “to punish him for leaving her”, Farah Rahmani either spent the night 'elsewhere', or if she was inside, would not open the door. Then, on following days, to get him to return, she hounded, begged, and emotionally blackmailed him by threatening to harm herself and others.


Orchestrating Very loud, Very Messy, Very Public Displays

This was Ms. Rahmani’s frequent 'go-to' when they were in public view and she wished to threaten Farhad and/or coerce him into doing something he did not want to do.

For example, when during one of Ms. Rahmani's tantrums, Farhad walked away to give her a chance to calm down, she ran after him as she usually did, and begged him to return.

When he refused to comply, Ms. Rahmani went back home, and either cut her hand on purpose or was cut from the fragments of the dishes she had shattered earlier. Then, she returned and caught up with Farhad at a bus stop at a busy section a short distance from their home.

As Farhad was boarding the bus, Farah Rahmani rubbed her bloody hand all over his shirt and face, exclaiming, “… I want my blood on you ... I am doing this so everyone knows you have my blood on you ...”

That prevented Farhad from boarding the bus. He then had no choice but to return home to wash up. Later, as he had his back to Farah Rahmani while cleaning the blood off of himself, she attacked him with a wooden chair and broke it on his back and shoulder.


Coercing Farhad by Threatening to Defame Others and Physically Harm Them or Herself

To get Farhad to comply with her “orders”, Farah Rahmani frequently threatened to physically harm his family, friends, coworkers, and others and/or to spread more lies about them.

For example, to convince Farhad to return after he had escaped one of her tirades, she often threatened to crash through Baba's house, or run over pedestrians as she drove frantically around town looking for him, or attend 'community events' to badmouth him and other 'community members'.

Farah Rahmani also used suicidal pronouncements for emotional blackmail. In a number of her messages to Farhad, to get him to return after he had gotten away, she bids him farewell as if she is on her “deathbed”, "invites" him to her funeral and alludes to being "at the threshold of death”, “leaving this world”, etc.


Monitoring and Controlling Farhad’s Activities and Communications

Farah Rahmani closely monitored Farhad’s computer, e-mail, and telephone usage. She frequently used his password to log into his Facebook account, checked his activities, and took it upon herself to block several of his Facebook friends. She also checked his cell phone every day and usually hid the receivers for their home’s landline.

She asked him questions about anyone new, e.g., new clients, he had called or had called him. She never asked for the phone. She just picked it up from the counter or when it was being charged and went through it.

She poked his chest, and shoved, punched, and slapped him to force him to share every detail of his day. Then, verified what he said and if it did not check out, punched and slapped him some more.

For example, whenever Farhad told her he had stopped at Baba’s house after work, she called to confirm he had actually stopped by and asked for detailed accounts of what he did and said. After a while, she stopped “permitting” him to see Baba and the rest of us without her. Even then, he was not “allowed” to say much.


Withholding Farhad's Driver’s License, Bankcard, and Car Key

Farah Rahmani usually did not give Farhad his driver’s license even when she was with him and he was driving. She said she would produce it if needed. On occasions that she actually let him have it, it disappeared from his pocket by the next morning.

He was only allowed to use his bankcard while she was around or if they were at a checkout counter. Otherwise, she carried it and would give him a daily allowance out of his own pay.

Ms. Rahmani withheld the car key even when she did not need the car and expected Farhad to take busses to and from work. She would get mad if he ever got rides from his coworkers.

Farah Rahmani denied on several occasions to have Farhad’s driver’s license when she was asked about it by the police. Ultimately, a police officer found it in her possession by going through her purse and returned it to Farhad.

Similarly, Farah Rahmani denied having Farhad’s car key to the police before surrendering it.


Confiscating Farhad’s Passport, Birth Certificate, Official Mail, and Other Important Documents

Unfortunately, despite a number of requests and warnings by the police, Farah Rahmani continues to possess many of Farhad’s important documents. She has been warned several times that it is a federal offense to withhold another person’s passport. She has also been cautioned against interfering with Canada Post’s service by accepting, opening, reading, and discarding another individual’s mail. Each time, just as in her claims about the driver’s license and car key, she purported that she "does not have them".

Farhad reported the loss of some items such as his passport and other official documents and asked the appropriate agencies to cancel them but items such as his original birth certificate, which is signed by our mother, and the prayer book given to him by our grandmother (Bibi) when he was five, are irreplaceable. Moreover, their original marriage certificate from Turkey which the Canadian divorce court required could not be easily replaced.


The Government of Turkey does not issue replacement marriage certificates without both parties’ consent. In addition, the application must include recent photos of both and either the applicant must be physically present or a local attorney must be retained.

Even when Farah Rahmani knew very well that the divorce was inevitable, again she tried to delay the process by taking advantage of Turkey’s political and social unrest. She knew traveling there and/or identifying and retaining a local attorney would be difficult. So she maintained she "does not have the marriage certificate". Ultimately, the divorce court judge forced her into surrendering it.


Disrupting Farhad’s Work, and Confronting and Attacking his Coworkers and Clients

Farah Rahmani frequently went to Farhad’s workplace unexpectedly and created disruptions in front of his coworkers and clients presumably to make them dislike him. In fact, she physically attacked not only Farhad while at work but also a couple of his coworkers.

On several occasions, Farhad’s coworkers had to pry her off Farhad after she snuck in, ambushed and pounced on him, and proceeded to beat him up.


Interrupting Farhad’s Work-Related Communications and Embarrassing Him

For example, as Farhad was speaking on the telephone with a longtime client, Farah Rahmani made loud noises, uttered sexually suggestive things into the handset, and made smooching sounds to get him to terminate his conversation.


Insulting, Detaining, and Assaulting Farhad’s Friends and Coworkers When They Visited as His Guests

Farah Rahmani not only assaulted one of Farhad’s coworkers who had driven him home but also blocked that gentleman’s exit after assaulting him. The police who was called to help Farhad and his coworker get out, were forced to keep Ms. Rahmani at bay.


Interfering with Farhad’s Association with His Family and Friends

Beyond insulting and attacking Farhad’s friends and blocking their ability to communicate with him on Facebook, Farah Rahmani did not want Farhad to speak with us without her being present and attempted to cause even more problems by lying to us about him and about what he said and did.


All in all, for several months, Farah Rahmani continued being abusive in private but acted timid and lamented to whoever listened. Farhad walked away time and time again to give Ms. Rahmani the chance to cool off. Each time he kept away for a day or two yet returned because she pursued and begged him to come back and promised to turn a new leaf but the situation got worse and worse instead of better.

Throughout that time, unbeknownst to Farhad, she extorted money from his relatives and friends under varying pretenses, attempted to harm our father and Alex who she thought stood in her way, tried to implicate me in several of her fraudulent schemes, and continued to circulate misinformation about Farhad and the family.


Farhad after one of Farah Rahmani's attacks

Bloody nose and lacerations on face and neck

Bruises and lacerations - Right arm and torso

Scratches - Back

Bruises and lacerations - Neck, left shoulder, chest

Dehumanizing, Humiliating, and Denigrating Farhad

To demoralize and 'break' Farhad, Farah Rahmani constantly demeaned him, told him and others “he does not have proper upbringing”, “he was raised on the streets”, and “his parentage is uncertain”.

She said, “Farhad’s family is at its wit’s end about him” and that “he does not know how to appreciate her” who is “the best wife any man could wish for and a true blessing God has bestowed upon him”.

In particular, whenever someone was nice to Farhad or said something nice about him, she immediately tried to make him look bad.

For example, when she heard that an older lady who is a family friend really likes Farhad and boasts about him, she began to call her and say all kinds of derogatory things, thereby affecting that lady’s relationship with not only Farhad but also the rest of the family.


To reinforce what she repeated to Farhad even further, Ms. Rahmani plastered the walls with Post-it notes bearing similar sentiments as well as her very own edicts of human conduct. For example, "a man must relinquish his free will and 'elevate', 'honor' and 'obey' his wife because 'a 'good wife' knows what is best for her husband better than he does".

Among her most cruelly sardonic notes are those in which she admonishes him for leaving to escape one of her tirades. In one she advises, “do not be ungrateful. God has mercy on you for a patient and honorable woman like me to be alongside you. Repent before it is too late."

In another, she states that her "conscience is clear"' because she "has done no wrong, and he should know that very well".

Farah Rahmani continuously repeated such things and more not only to Farhad but also interjected them into her heart-to-hearts with anyone else who would listen.


Stalking and Harassing Farhad and the Rest of the Immediate Family

Abusers use stalking to intimidate and control their victim. During the time they lived together, Ms. Rahmani kept tabs when Farhad was at work by calling him multiple times and visiting his workplace 2 to 3 times a day.

To continue her abuse, Farah Rahmani began working at an Iranian market which is a few meters away from Farhad’s workplace almost immediately after their separation. The same chain has several other stores within walking distance of where she lived. She would make a long commute to work a block away from Farhad’s work when she was able to work one block away from home.

Then, she walked over several times during the day to harass and attack Farhad and his coworkers. Often, she was sitting in his car when he left at the end of the day. When he was not working, she drove by the stores and businesses she believed he may be at and was frequently observed circling the block around Baba's house over and over.

Ms. Rahmani also pumped her 'informers' (i.e., the relatives and friends who thought are doing good) for information about Farhad and his schedule.

Whenever she found Farhad, she would sneak behind him and either insist on kissing and encouraging him to go home with her, or hit, push, pinch, punch, scratch, and bite him.

Her voicemails, text messages, e-mails, and hang up calls continued well after they separated.


We stopped keeping count after the first month but during the month immediately after they separated, Farah Rahmani placed 152 calls – not including her hang up calls – to Farhad's cell phone and 52 calls – again, not including her hang up calls – to his work number.

In addition, she sent him 222 pages of texts (8.5"x11", 10 pt., no blank lines), and hundreds of voice messages, pictures, and audio files via Telegram Messenger alone, as well as several hundred more via other platforms such as Viber, WhatsApp, Tango, and Facebook.

During that month, Farah Rahmani also placed 56 harassing calls – not including her hang up calls – to the immediate family and Farhad's close friends and sent me 8 lengthy e-mails.

To put it in perspective, for each call which led to her leaving voice-mail, she placed 3-4 other calls and hung up before the outgoing message kicked in.

Farah Rahmani started using Baba's pictures as her profile avatars in Telegram, Viber, and WhatsApp, and continued her antics such as calling to worry him.

It was around that time and in the wake of a series of her menacing phone calls that Baba got dizzy, lost his balance, fell, and broke his hip. He had to undergo major surgery and was in the hospital for a month. All the while, Farah Rahmani continued hounding, harassing, and attacking Farhad.


Farah Rahmani is still stalking and harassing Farhad. Often she turns up in the rear view mirror as he is driving on the highway; tailgates him in city rush hour traffic; appears behind him as he stands on checkout lines; sideswipes him as he waits to pick up an order; and waves to him and blows kisses from other side of intersections as he crosses streets.


An estimated 2.1% of men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime.


Men were primarily stalked by an intimate partner (41.4%) or acquaintance (40%).


Repeatedly receiving unwanted telephone calls, voice, or text messages was the most commonly experienced stalking tactic for both female and male victims of stalking (78.8% for women and 75.9% for men).


- Sources: usdoj.gov, ncjrs.gov, unicef.org

Farhad's Attempts to Escape Farah Rahmani's Wrath

Farhad usually tried to escape as soon as Farah Rahmani started screaming, attacking him, throwing things, breaking dishes, etc. but sometimes, she would block the door, put the chain on, and threaten to harm herself or someone else if he left.

It took a while but he learned he could distract her from throwing things and hitting him if he said something shocking. It was like an on-off switch! Instead of continuing her physical attacks, she would hang onto that shocking thing and harp on about it but that stratagem only worked for just a few weeks.

At times, he tried to run to the bathroom and lock the door but that too was a challenge because she usually ran, shoved him aside, and stood between where he was and the doorway.

Sometimes Farah Rahmani got angry as she drove. She would speed and go over curbs or into oncoming traffic while punching him on his shoulder or pushing him against the side panel. Or she would lean sideways toward him to backslap and punch him. Or she would reach over and grab and squeeze his body parts.

Farhad jumped out of the moving car a number of times but that was not always practical. For example, when she attacked him as they were on a bridge or on a major highway. Also, he tried to use the opportunity of 4-way stop signs and traffic lights to get out but Farah Rahmani often anticipated that and accelerated instead of stopping.


From December 2015 to when the family became the wiser and he started going to Baba's house or his friends' to keep away from her rage-filled outbursts, he spent many cold nights in the streets without his wallet, IDs or home and car keys.

Farah Rahmani always followed him. If she could not force him to return, she either locked the door and left for the night or stayed inside but did not answer the door "to punish him for leaving her". Then, to get him to return the next day, she hounded, begged, and emotionally blackmailed him by threatening to harm herself and others.



Farhad is an idealist! He has always been kind, generous, and too trusting a man. He entered into the marriage in good faith and regarded his vows as a lifelong commitment.

His decision to separate from Farah Rahmani and ultimately divorce her was more contemplative than his decision to marry her. For a long while, he expected Ms. Rahmani’s outbursts and emotional challenges to subside as she transitioned to a Western way of life. He suffered quietly to protect us and because he felt responsible for bringing her to Canada but despite all of his efforts, it ultimately became impossible for the marriage to continue.

Farah Rahmani was clearly unraveling but got overly reactive whenever Farhad suggested she sees a counselor. I also suggested to her to seek professional counseling on several occasions but she refused. Farhad tried to hint at Ms. Rahmani's inconsistent behavior during several of her doctor visits but Farah Rahmani is quite astute at manipulating people and situations to her benefit.


After a number of attacks by Farah Rahmani, Farhad, who had spent many nights on the streets to keep away from her, concluded that the marriage was irreparable.

By then he was physically weary and psychologically exhausted but was still committed to ensuring Ms. Rahmani’s continued wellbeing after separating from her.

His plan to leave the marriage with minimal fallout fell apart and the proverbial 'hell' broke loose when, as is expected from sponsors, he contacted immigration to apprise them of his plans and Ms. Rahmani discovered that he had consulted with immigration authorities.

She regularly monitored his incoming and outgoing calls and found immigration’s number among his outgoing calls.


Farah Rahmani became progressively more ferocious as of Thursday, June 23, 2016 when she learned Farhad had contacted immigration.

Then, on the Following Tuesday, as she drove at excessive speed and crossing over to incoming traffic, she hit, backslapped, pinched, and pushed Farhad against the inner door panel. She threatened, "God willing, you will be at my father’s side on Friday night." Her father is dead and the declaration that someone will be with a dead person is very similar to Mafioso kiss of death and taken very seriously in Iranian culture.

On Wednesday, Farhad called the police for help to calm her because again, she started yelling, screaming, and hitting him as soon as he got home from work. She went after him each time he left and pleaded with him to return only to again open the windows and cause ruckus for the neighbors' benefit.

That evening, Farhad decided it best to separate from her right away.

On Thursday, Farah Rahmani pushed and yelled at Farhad and a coworker who had given him a ride home to pick up a change of clothes and some personal items. She blocked their exit and they ended up calling the police for help.

On that Friday afternoon - the day Farah Rahmani had foretold Farhad would be dead - she was even more imbalanced. She attacked Farhad when he went back to pick up the clothes and personal items that he could not get the previous night and, yet again he had to call the police for help.

Ultimately, Farhad prearranged his next visit to the apartment with the police and later in July, they helped ensure his safety when he finally managed to retrieve some of his personal items. Even then, the officers had to call for backup to control Farah Rahmani.


As Farhad walked away from one of Farah Rahmani's tantrums, she followed him into the hallway and crept behind him with a closed fist and a sharp object.

Thankfully, he sensed her behind him and turned around in time to catch her fist mid air as she was about to strike him.

These three frames are from the video of that incident.

Farhad was so traumatized during that time that he still does not remember exactly what this particular sharp object is. He says it could be a key or a cork screw or something else because Farah Rahmani caught him off guard many times and struck him with all types of objects.


After the Separation

Farhad walked away from the home he shared with Ms. Rahmani in June 2016, eight months after her arrival to Canada. For him it was the decisive and definitive end to the marriage but of course, Farah Rahmani did not make things easy. She took it as rejection rather than the logical consequence of what she had put him through.

Her tirades went into overdrive. In one breath, she pleaded with Farhad to return and expected the family to intercede on her behalf, and in another, she harassed the family, posted numerous rabid messages, threatened him in person and via intermediaries, and did everything she could possibly think of to discredit him and the family as we remained silent.

Even then, if you asked Farhad, he would have said, he still "cared for her wellbeing and wanted the best for her", and he meant it.


After separating from Farah Rahmani, although he knew the marriage was irredeemable, Farhad still believed she could overcome her challenges and have a normal life. So he continued to support her financially. He did not have to support her because her violence had forced him into separating from her. In fact, the divorce attorney with whom he consulted told him not to but he did.

During that time, according to her representative in the divorce court, Farah Rahmani tried to defraud the Canadian Government by claiming social assistance all the while Farhad was fully supporting her. From the public policy perspective, countries such as the U.S. and Canada do not concern themselves with the possibility of sponsored foreign spouses becoming 'public charges' who depend on government money because they can recover their costs from sponsors. Fortunately, the Government recognized her deception in this case.

On April 3, 2017, after enduring several more months of getting maligned publicly and being stalked, taunted, harassed, and attacked by Farah Rahmani at his workplace and home as well as in stores and on the streets, Farhad filed for divorce on the grounds of physical and emotional cruelty and the Supreme Court of British Columbia obliged and granted him the divorce on February 21, 2018.


Through it all, Farah Rahmani attempted to prolong the divorce process with an assortment of frivolous excuses. In conjunction, she begged and pleaded with Farhad and when that did not work, she harassed and attacked him, followed him everywhere, and circled his workplace as well as Baba’s house over and over, day and night.

If she was unable to find him, Farah Rahmani pumped Farhad’s coworkers, our relatives and friends, and 'community members' for information about his whereabouts, activities, and schedule while disparaging him and the family.

We knew some were obliging her – thereby endangering Farhad and Baba further. So we decided to keep everyone 'in the dark' – One the reasons why this has waited until now.


Example of Farah Rahmani's dribble 1

Farah Rahmani’s Original Plan

With respect to her plan for the family, in a nutshell, Farah Rahmani initially set out to orchestrate a chain of events to misrepresent Farhad under false light and establish herself as a devoted wife to his neighbors and closest friends.

This was toward embarrassing Farhad and by extension his immediate family and compelling them to give her money to back off and leave them alone in order to save face - just as she had done in her previous marriages.

Archetypal Approach to Spousal Sponsorship Immigration Fraud: Find a Qualified  Sponsor and Marry Him > Immigrate > Embarrass him and his family by defaming and slandering him > Compel him and his immediate family into wanting to save face > Extort from him and his immediate family to leave them alone > Move on

Reportedly, such techniques (strong-arming and blackmailing unsuspecting spouses and/or families into wanting to 'save face' in front of their neighbors and friends by paying off the culprit to 'go away') are quite prevalent in Iran. In fact, per certain official records, Farah Rahmani got away with precisely the same thing in at least a couple of her prior marriages.

Many who, like Farah Rahmani, finagle their way into the U.S. and Canada further the approach and posture for additional payoff by way of disability benefits.

Some of these individuals up their ante yet further by claiming domestic abuse and/or getting pregnant and having ‘anchor babies’ soon after they arrive in the new country. In this instance, whether or not they take off with their children depends on the higher payoff between what they could get if they leave those children behind and how much child support they could collect if they take them.

Being recognized as a 'victim' and/or having an ‘anchor baby’ also yields a higher payoff when one aspires to collect social assistance and tap into other government-funded programs.

In fact, this is an organized racket with information exchange and 'how to' instructions on different ploys including but not limited to using makeup to fake bruises, scripting stories, and the ways and means of acting like victims.

For example, this video, currently circulating on the Telegram messaging platform, is designed to inspire those who like Farah Rahmani aspire to abuse the system:

In a number of 'before', 'during', and 'after' videos, Farah Rahmani undergoes a similar transformation on the fly as she dishevels herself, switches to, and adopts exactly the same poses to catch the neighbors' attention.


Farah Rahmani began expressing the desire to "give [her] 'Baba joon' a grandchild" even before she entered Canada. She neither acknowledges the offspring she already has nor communicates with him. Whether she actually planned to get pregnant or that statement was just another ruse with which to underscore her purported "commitment" and "devotion" to Farhad and the family, unfortunately for her, one of the doctors with whom she consulted within the first couple of weeks after her arrival nixed that notion when he pointed out in Farhad's presence that she was menopausal.


As of almost immediately upon her arrival to Canada, Farah Rahmani proceeded to abuse Farhad physically and emotionally while setting the stage to portray him as an irresponsible husband, son, neighbor, friend, etc.

For example, she would open the apartment’s doors and windows, create scenes, and raise her voice at strategic moments in order to catch the neighbors' attention. As is often done in Iran, families willingly 'pay' to hush up cries of indiscretion in order to “save face” before neighbors and the community.


As she harmed, belittled, humiliated, and intimidated Farhad in private, and orchestrated scenes with hopes of embarrassing him and his immediate family, Farah Rahmani actively ingratiated herself and denigrated him to us as well as his close friends. In addition, to embarrass Farhad further, she made the rounds and solicited thousands of dollars from his relatives and friends under varying pretenses.

Abusers tend to isolate and dehumanize their victims anyway but, given Farah Rahmani's narcissism and some of what she has said and done, she may have started thinking at some point that she could not only get us to turn our back on Farhad but also get us to take her 'under our wings' instead.

Some suggest, she may have thought she could alienate him from us and 'charm' us into embracing his 'new bride' / widow irrespective of him. They say she aimed to get Farhad’s family to support her as she freely pursued her interests such as gambling and spending time with her "friends" without him around as a deterrent. (She has unabashedly acknowledged her affinity for those interests on several occasions and in videos.)

If that is the case and she veered off the course she originally intended because she thought she could persuade us to shun Farhad and keep her around, then that was her biggest mistake.

Plausibly, Farah Rahmani's distorted mind could adopt such a strategy for the sort term but everything she said and did indicate that her ultimate plan was to do away with all of us one way or another.


Attempts to Create Rifts Between Farhad and Other Members of his Immediate Family

Farhad is a man of integrity, whose character has never been in question, except by those who do not know him.

Ms. Rahmani’s biggest mistake was picking this particular family! She misjudged Farhad and his family’s affinity for one another and tugged on the wrong lion’s tail.

We know Farhad very well and Farhad knows us just as well. Nothing she made up could cast doubt in our minds about him, affect our understanding of his character, and undermine our love for him. If anything, the more she fabricated and fed either Farhad or the rest of the family, the more we wondered about her.


Farah Rahmani would often invoke scenarios and situations to get us to talk about a specific topic. She then recorded each of us and played tidbits out of context for others.

In particular, toward humiliating Farhad and distancing him from us, many of her questions and stories were designed to extract “juicy” tidbits from us.

For example, When Farah Rahmani claimed a cashier had humiliated her, she recorded my reaction, “ ... he is despicable. That just shows his vile nature. I’m so sorry you had to experience that ...”.

Then, to “prove” to Farhad that his sister “also agrees” that he is a terrible person, she replayed that portion the next time she was humiliating him.

Just imagine! This was happening as Farhad was being beaten and tortured yet trying to protect us from her. She wanted him to think he had no one to turn to.


Unsavory Plan for Baba

Baba's glucose level and blood pressure have been under control for years. As Farah Rahmani persisted on sharing upsetting scenarios and stories to unsettle Baba and indulged him with fatty foods and sugar, both his blood pressure and glucose levels fluctuated from extremely dangerous highs to extremely dangerous lows.

Baba did not have such problems before Ms. Rahmani’s advent and his BP and glucose level have been under control since she ceased to have access to him.

Even when she knew Baba’s dinner was prepared and ready to serve, Farah Rahmani frequently insisted on bringing him food. Then, she would stay to make sure he ate it. On rare occasions, she dropped off a dish and left before seeing him eat it but called and quizzed him afterward to make sure we had actually served him her dish.

Whereas Farah Rahmani's dishes were laden with fat and sugar, ours were health conscious. At first, we thought it was her way of charming Baba but without exception, something in every dish Ms. Rahmani brought disagreed with him and everyone else who tasted it. In addition to questionable ingredients, the food she brought often contained foreign objects such as large pieces of walnut shells and whole pits of dried fruits.

We explained Baba’s health issues and his need for healthy meals over and over to Ms. Rahmani. She listened and acted as if she understood but the next day, employed yet another set of tricks toward compromising Baba's health.


Farah Rahmani compromised Baba’s health in several ways:

  • First, she concocted scenarios and stories that made Baba worry and elevated his blood pressure.

  • Second, she ‘showered’ him with sugar to ingratiate herself to him.

  • Third, she tried to put him in vulnerable states in order to propel him against us. Fortunately, Baba is much more rational than she gave him credit for.

  • Fourth, she repeatedly undermined our ability to care for him.

  • Fifth, she weakened him drastically and affected his system adversely by supplying him with fatty foods and oodles of sugar that curbed his appetite and prevented him from eating healthy meals.

Footage of security cameras show Farah Rahmani slipping candy, honey, and sugar to Baba; leaving chocolate bars in drawers and cabinets around the house and telling him their whereabouts; calling to advise him to check the carport for snacks, honey, and syrup (shireh-shekar); cutting him a slice of the cake she had hidden in the trunk of the car when he went outside to see her off; insinuating that the rest of us were “unreasonably uncaring and mean” by withholding sugar from him; and whispering to him that "she will always protect him from us".


Farah Rahmani’s Relentless Pursuit of Farhad’s Doctor

Other than those aspects of it that relate to this subject matter, I shall not delve into the extent to which Farah Rahmani covets qualifying for disability benefits and victim assistance and the length to which she goes to become eligible. Suffice it that it is also the gold standard by other opportunists like her.

If it is not one doctor, it is another; if it not one malady, it is another; and if a doctor refutes and puts her in her place, then Farah Rahmani claims he or she has "given her something" to harm her or has "induced something" to accelerate her "imminent demise".

She holds medical practitioners in contempt and suspects their determinations despite spending an inordinate amount of time going from one doctor to another to claim an assortment of unlikely symptoms which tend to manifest only when no one else is around and defy all clinical evaluations.

Several times, she checked herself into the emergency room with bogus complaints. Then, while waiting for the doctor who would ultimately find nothing extraordinary, Ms. Rahmani who had commanded that Farhad leave work early and rush to join her there, would have him take pictures.

'Before', 'during', and 'after' pictures depict Farah Rahmani disheveling herself and posing as if on her deathbed. Once those 'photo sessions' were over, she would revert to her old self, straighten her hair, refresh her make up, and proceed to fidget with her cell phones.

Bravo Canada for offering universal health care to freeloaders! They have certainly made an art out of revolving in and out of emergency rooms by leveraging your taxpayers' money toward garnering even more of your taxpayers' money via frivolous medical malpractice and disability claims.


Farhad’s doctor has been the family’s "family doctor" for decades. In hindsight, now we know why Farah Rahmani insisted to have him as her primary care physician time after time and why she was dejected when he declined and said he was not taking on new patients.

She was even more persistent about having him as her doctor when she realized he is also Baba’s doctor as well as my 'doctor-away-from-home' and vigilantly tracked our appointment schedules. She did not say she would be stopping by his office in advance but showed up whenever one of us was there to not only sabotage Baba's health by slipping him candy but also plead with the doctor to take her on.

“Bagging” Farhad’s doctor would have served several purposes:

  • First, She may have wanted the doctor’s ear so that she could explain Farhad’s cuts, bruises, scratches, etc. Sooner or later, Farhad would have gone to the doctor who would have recognized signs of abuse all over his body and reported it.

  • Second, she may have expected to get this doctor to see her way and endorse her presentments about Farhad toward pressuring the family further.

  • Third, she may have planned to hedge her bet by threatening to discredit this particular doctor and using the embarrassment it would have cause the family to further her pressure on us.

  • Fourth, She may have thought she could extract some sort of information to help her harm Baba further and get me out of the way.

  • Fifth, she has proven she is not beneath blackmailing professionals for financial gain.

  • Sixth, Farah Rahmani has already persuaded several doctors to 'see her way' - including one in Iran who agreed to certify she has Multiple sclerosis (MS) several years ago so she could retire early and receive disability benefits there.

    She may have expected this particular doctor to think she has already been vetted by us and, because of his decades-long familiarity with the rest of the family, be less inclined to question her motive, therefore, easier to convince.

I sense Farhad’s doctor was the wiser when he opted not to take her on as a patient. I also suspect that in light of the large Iranian population in that area, blackmailing and bullying professionals toward insurance fraud and other amenities are more commonplace than the public is aware of.

("If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck". The majority of Iranians are moral. Moreover, most who have immigrated to U.S. and Canada are ethically appalled by such behavior. Unfortunately, regardless of country of origin, the larger an immigrant community, the more bad apples.)


Immediate Family's Reaction to Farah Rahmani's Original Plan

In particular, Ms. Rahmani's efforts at endearing herself and denigrating Farhad were focused toward Baba and me.

Baba was the obvious choice. Her "Baba Joon", as she called him, has the final say in everything to do with his house as well as his care. To her, he was the "Andvaranaut" magical ring that can make gold! To motivate him to let her move in and "care for him" as she wanted, she felt she had to show she is more devoted, more caring, more competent - and more willing to dispense sugar - than his own children.

As for why me? The rest of the immediate family tends to humor me by acting and talking as if my input counts. So she thought they would go along with my conclusions. Of course, later, I was elevated on her list of “overt” targets and landed alongside Farhad and Alex.

It was not that I was any special even then. She just needed to keep up the semblance for a while. From the start, she was as sweet as a tonne of saccharin in my presence while actively attempting to discredit me.

We respect Farhad and she was his wife. So we continued entertaining Ms. Rahmani in our lives but neither Baba nor I or Alex bought into her act for even one minute. Even when we had not quite figured exactly what she was up to, we knew her mad-hatter declarations were nonsensical.

Farah Rahmani could broadcast her vindictive and vicious lies a thousand times and they would still be and always remain lies.


Farhad and I may live thousands of miles apart but have always had a close relationship grounded in objective trust. As my confidant, he knows all my shortcomings yet still loves me. Similarly, I Know what he is capable of and what he could not possibly do and actually love him even more for that.

Ms. Rahmani underestimated the extent of our connection and tried to convince me that Farhad was something like an alien from a galaxy far far away when I know him well enough to know he is not the man she was describing.

I wish Farah Rahmani's crusade to cause friction within this family was a singular fantastic notion but now know she has actually pulled off more or less the same stunt with other families successfully. She attacks on all fronts, is tireless, and can be quite convincing to those who are susceptible to suggestions. Some families may be forced into giving in and throwing objectivity and loyalty out the door but that is not how this one operates.


Reporting Immigration Fraud

Marriages of convenience, information about false information on immigration applications, and other immigration-related crimes may be reported to following agencies:

In Canada:
Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Anonymous Tip Line at 1-888-502-9060. For information visit CBSA's portal.

In the United States:
1-866-DHS-2-ICE or Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Anonymous Tip Line at 1-866-347-2423 or through this form.

Farah Rahmani’s Approach After Her Original Plan Failed

For a while, Farah Rahmani mostly focused on riling up and instigating their own neighbors (those living near where she lived with Farhad) as well as the immediate family and a few of our closest friends and 'community members' against Farhad.

Eventually, she realized we are not easily embarrassed! So, as a last-ditch effort to carry out her original plan with respect to involving 'neighbors', she threatened to "also tell all to Baba’s neighbors".

Ultimately, when her original plan to portray Farhad in such a way that we would be compelled to pay her in order to 'save face' before our neighbors and those close to us proved futile, Farah Rahmani modified her original plan and widened the circle by proceeding to drive a wedge between the immediate family and its extended relatives and the ‘community’ at large.

Farah Rahmani’s Adaptation of the Archetypal Approach to Spousal Sponsorship Immigration Fraud: Marry a Canadian: Done! > Move to Canada: Done! > Defaming and slander him and his family: Done! > Drive him and his immediate family into wanting to save face: Failed! > Extort from him and his immediate family to let them be: Failed! > Move on: Failed! > Turn up the heat

Specifically, to strong-arm us further into 'paying her off', she attempted to incite our extended relatives and 'community members' into doing her bidding by vilifying not only Farhad but also the immediate family.

After Farhad separated from her, Farah Rahmani continued that approach and often used those opportunities to pump people for information and keep tabs toward locating, stalking, harassing, and attacking him further.


How and Why Farah Rahmani's Plan Unraveled

Ms. Rahmani is neither a competent strategic thinker nor imaginative. Moreover, she is overly impetuous and, unless a clear advantage for her personally, has difficulty embracing new experiences and adapting to new situations. Since she is constantly focused on finding what could benefit her, she frequently misses the basics.

Her 'original plan' was not so original. Other 'imported' brides have employed the same simple blue print for decades. Its allure is that the archetype takes little imagination and is highly adaptable. Different countries, names, faces, neighborhood mindsets, and family pressure points notwithstanding, sadly, it can be and too often has been implemented more or less in the same way.

It is one thing to hear and see how others go about something. It is another to actually attempt it. In light of Farah Rahmani's self-defeating qualities, clearly her ability to initialize her plan of marrying and being sponsored, coming to Canada, and extorting from Farhad and the family was the result of much preparation, practice, setbacks, and fine-tuning. She had managed the 'marrying' and 'extorting from the family' parts before but now, she had to string 'the plan' together from start to finish.

Among other things, Farah Rahmani's impetuous nature in conjunction with her incessant greed makes her a ‘petty’ grifter. Her inability to resist stealing ‘chump change’ and her habit of swindling people out of $100 here, $200 there, etc. led her to reveal her hand much too early in the game and risk the potentially 'substantial payoff' that she was anticipating. Reportedly, she also followed that pattern with the boyfriend from whom she stole shortly after moving in.

In addition, there obviously was no concrete contingency plan - Just on-the-fly make-shift reactions. She started 'shooting herself in the foot' and her plan unraveled as soon as she hit the solid wall, otherwise known as this family!


Likely, Farah Rahmani has already fine-tuned her execution to eliminate some of the obstacles she encountered with us in her future dealings with other people and families; however, without help and intervention, she will remain unable to harness her issues and their effects on herself and on others around her.

The question is not whether she will try again? She will because she is a serial predator. Also, it is not whether she will succeed? That is not the point but, were I to venture an answer, I would say, highly unlikely. Farah Rahmani is the proverbial 'bull in a china shop' and the question is, how many families she will disrupt and how many lives she will ruin as she tries?


Ms. Rahmani has failed to follow through on many things in her life - Some big and some small. Whereas she outwardly praises herself and boasts of competence, she is quickly frustrated and loses interest immediately when she does not find herself up to par.

To protect their self-image as competent individuals, narcissists tend to shy away from what can potentially lead to failure. For example, after several attempts to qualify for a British Columbia driver's license, Farah Rahmani gave up and continued driving with her expired Iranian license. Later, she was forced into trying again when the police became the wiser.

Farah Rahmani gets quite flustered in unanticipated circumstances and/or when following methods/step-by-step guidelines and often reacts destructively when such things do not go 'her way'.

When a crowd pays her no attention, Farah Rahmani retreats to a corner like an insecure teenager. She also expressed her frustration with recipes by throwing pots, pans, and utensils at Farhad and splattering food all over him and the kitchen counters, floor, and walls.


Not only did her overt, impulsive mistakes and tantrums shattered through the calm and controlled facade she had meticulously cultivated for public consumption but also, Farah Rahmani made the wrong move at almost at every turn as she tried to fix what had gone awry with her plan.

Farah Rahmani's impetuous nature and inability to think things through completely were instrumental in subverting her plan. The more she reacted on the fly and the more she said and/or did to address, explain, bolster, and justify things, the worse it became, and the further she deviated from her planned course. As she tried to 'fix' things, her impulsiveness resulted in further miscalculation, blunders, and half-baked solutions. By extension, the resulting frustration led to more frequent mistakes and public displays of her violence.


Ms. Rahmani’s lack of imagination also thwarted her plan for Farhad and the rest of us. In many ways, she approached this family - exactly as she had done several times before - without even the slightest modification.

Her inability to imagine and act the part convincingly became apparent as we saw more and more of her mental, intellectual, and moral flaws, and recognized more and more discrepancies between her true self and how she hoped to present herself. For example, she claimed to be learned yet, instead of an open mind, exhibited profound and inflexible bias against many groups and a number of mainstream ideologies.

Even what was seemingly insignificant at the time proved chock-full of insight in hindsight. For example, a person's e-mail prefix, social networking persona, and avatar can tell a lot about his or her self-image, mindset, and inclinations. Her e-mail address, "GoldForRahmani@'xyz.com'" not only suggests narcissism by brazenly outlining her plan but also is a poignant indication that she is devoid of imagination.

We had no second sight prior to Farah Rahmani’s advent or a frame of reference for what was happening afterward. Conceivably, we could have continued giving her the benefit of the doubt, and she could have succeeded with us as well; however, it was quite easy to see what she was 'up to' once we started noticing the discrepancies and learned what she had done to others in her past.


Farah Rahmani's Attempt to Tighten the Noose by Inciting and Instigating others to do Her Bidding

In general, Farah Rahmani is the perpetual star of her own one-woman show. She does not care for those who are not attentive to her and her stories. After some forced initial civilities, she is clearly disinterested in people who do not compliment or abet her as well as in those she figure would not offer her tidbits, albeit innocently, to meld with lies in order to make her slander plausible.

Her world is divided into two factions: Those who buy into her antics and those who doubt or question her and/or express any sort of liking or admiration for Farhad. She immediately targets anyone who question her presentments and/or say anything nice about him.

Farah Rahmani tends to observe, read, and test people and thrives on her audience’s gullibility and propensity to gossip and/or be influenced by flattery. Generally, she begins by fawning over the other person’s wisdom and cognitive prowess. Then, she engages in lengthy hyperbolic boasts about how great she is and laments about fabricated wrongs she endures all the while professing selfless devotion and pleading for commiseration and intervention.

In addition, Ms. Rahmani does not shy from sweeping the gentlemen in her audience off their feet with flattery and wiles. She proposed “meeting and speaking with” several of Farhad’s male friends and relatives “in more casual and private settings”; however, I shall not touch that topic!


Farah Rahmani may have personality flaws and unsavory plans but by no means is stupid. She is a captivating speaker, astute in manipulation, and highly persuasive. She has a history of playing people to gather insights in order to shroud her depravities with plausibility and/or circulate misinformation. Moreover, she is relatively skillful at games such as chess and backgammon because she knows how to wile and distract her opponents - Precisely why she prefers to play against men.

Sometimes, she did not even have to ask for information and/or intervention overtly. Some fools volunteered what she needed to hear and/or took it upon themselves to pick up the phone, or go to Farhad’s work, or stop me in traffic to plead her case and/or admonish him and the family – Unaware that they were foot soldiers in her quest to embarrass us to the point of paying her off.


Methods to Denigrate Farhad and the Family

Ms. Rahmani started calling and making her rounds of visiting friends, relatives, and so-called “prominent members of the community” almost immediately after Farhad left for work, and on the pretense of needing to have a heart-to-heart (dard-o-del) and, wanting to save her marriage, spent most of the day fabricating stories and badmouthing and denigrating Farhad, and later, the whole family.

Her antics in this respect vary and she is quick at spotting and seizing opportunity. For example, she once pre-recorded Farhad as he was watching a hockey game. Then replayed it during her calls on the pretense of chitchat and/or heart-to-heart to certain 'community members' in order to support her claim that Farhad was there shouting at her. (She also tried to do that with me without realizing that he was actually sitting across from me.)


Concocting Fictional Scenarios and Stories

Farah Rahmani purports (still!) fabrications to embarrass, and/or demean, and/or denigrate Farhad and the rest of the family.

If someone does not act like he or she is on her side when she disseminates her fabrications, then Ms. Rahmani denigrates that person as well.

Her pronouncements are in writing, on the phone, and in person to Farhad, the immediate family, our cousins, our extended family, our family friends, Farhad’s own friends, his coworkers, and members of 'the community'.

For example, following a series of attacks by Ms. Rahmani during which she punched, hit, and assaulted Farhad, and yet again chased him up and down the street by car as he ran from her on foot, he managed to get away and hide for the rest of that night.

The next morning, as she often did after trashing the place, Farah Rahmani left the door ajar to attract the neighbors’ attention toward motivating Farhad and the rest of the family to comply with her wishes. Reportedly in Iran, neighbors are meddlesome and people are very concerned about what their neighbors think.

As it happened, a neighbor, who saw remnants of her attack on Farhad on the previous evening, thought their home had been broken into. He suggested they (Farhad and Farah Rahmani) call the police.

Apparently, Farah Rahmani misunderstood and thought the neighbor was going to call the police himself. She called Farhad immediately and was very concerned. She insisted he meet her so they could approach the neighbor together and dissuade him from contacting the police.

When Farhad declined to meet her, in a voice-mail, an agitated Farah Rahmani threatened to “tell everyone” Farhad had left the home in that state. She also threatened "to lay out bottles of liquor" and claim "he drank them and was drunk and dangerous".


Untrue and Misleading Portrayal of Farhad

To prevent others from seeing Farhad in good light and reinforce the lies she was spreading, among other things, Farah Rahmani vehemently prevented him from doing what she thought may make him 'look good'. Often framing those opportunities to portray Farhad as bad, irresponsible, etc. and make herself appear empathetic.

For example, if Farhad promised to stop by on a Sunday afternoon to take Baba for an outing or help Alex tidy up the yard, she threw a tantrum just as he was heading over and locked him in the apartment. Then, she called and said Farhad was reneging and acted as if upset that he was not honoring his commitment.

This in fact was among the very first inconsistencies that made us question things. Farhad has always delivered on his promises. He is attentive and stands by his word. We found such a sudden reversal quite bewildering and absolutely unlike him.


Much of Farah Rahmani’s insistence that Farhad give her what he wanted to give others, and her efforts at either preventing him from doing what he promised to do for others altogether, or expecting him to do it for her instead, likely stems from a combination of her irrational jealousy to see his time and attention diverted onto others and her desire to inhibit the notion that he is nice, kind, generous, etc.

Case-in-point, at times, Farhad’s clients present him with gifts as gestures of their appreciation – Usually restaurant and store gift certificates, boxes of chocolates, bottles of liquor, or packs of beer. He left the alcohol and some of the other items at work for his staff to do with as they wished, and would bring some of the rest home to her.

Ms. Rahmani asked Farhad if he was given a gift when he got home every day and threw tantrums when he had none to give her. Her interest in gift certificates is understandable. One can even venture to assume chocolates are irresistible but, although Farah Rahmani enjoys her liquor, she is not necessarily so consumed by alcohol to care so much about him giving away what she perceived was her “entitlement” to his coworkers. More likely, she just wanted him to surrender such gifts to her to prevent his coworkers from thinking he is benevolent.


Vilification of Farhad and Other 'Community Members'

To drive the family of her last husband/cousin in Iran to want to avoid further embarrassment and save face by paying her those 500 gold coins, Farah Rahmani alleged to their neighbors, et al. that the husband was a drug addict and an alcoholic.

(Farah Rahmani tends to purport everyone she does not like is an alcoholic and drug addict. Those with whom we have spoken, including Ms. Rahmani's relatives, say he is a very pleasant and shy man but, in all honesty, we cannot vouch for the guy. Addiction and alcoholism are rampant in that country. Whether Ms. Rahmani fabricated it altogether or drew from whatever problems he may have had, we do know that she magnified and broadcasted the story about this man far and wide, vilified him to his friends and their extended relatives and neighbors, and extorted from him and his immediate family in order to stop embarrassing them.)

Ms. Rahmani attributed all sorts of evil to those she was not fond of but was particularly bent on accusing Farhad as well as some other 'community members' of drinking because she knows 'the community' abhors such behavior.

(Along the same lines, the assortment of ploys she used in order to get Farhad to return her calls after the separation included telling him that she was invited to speak at 'community events'. She thought that would motivate him to return her calls.)

She became quite pensive when I finally said, "'the community' is focused on bigger issues and has neither the time nor the inclination to concern itself with what stragglers do".

I suppose she wanted to switch to that 'big issue' when denigrating and threatening 'community members' because she kept wanting to know specifically which 'big issue' is of concern to 'the community'. I responded, "global warming"!

She was also beside herself when I called her bluff and said, “I’m certain his doctor who has seen him for decades can attest that he neither drinks nor partakes in drugs”.

When Farhad mentioned this to his doctor, the doctor actually took it upon himself to write a letter in which he certified Farhad's health and stated that there is absolutely no indication that Farhad drinks or uses drugs and that he has never discerned signs of alcohol and drug use. Ms. Rahmani was not happy.


Twisting Bits and Pieces and Embellishing Fiction with Plausible

To Enhance her fabrications and make them seem authentic, Farah Rahmani often interjects bits and pieces of reality into what she says.

Similarly, she twisted what Farhad and other members of the family said to suit her needs. For example, several of our conversations included her view that the West’s “social flaws” are due to alcohol and drug abuse. I know now she was hoping to record bits and pieces of what we said about those topics.

In general, Farah Rahmani does not have a high opinion of the West and often asserts that “Canadians are lazy” and have “weak characters”. Of course, she thinks she is strong-willed in all aspects and has her own alcohol consumption under control.

When she expressed that view for the umpteenth time, Farhad and I explained that, unlike places like Iran where alcoholics, drug addicts, and their families are left to cope on their own, they have resources available to them in the West. We also explained to her concepts such as rehabilitation facilities and alcoholics anonymous which do not exist in Iran.

The fact that Farhad was actually sitting there and participating in that conversation did not stop Ms. Rahmani from twisting all that and continuously trying to demoralize him during her tantrums as well as denigrate him to other people by claiming “his sister has asked me for help to put him into rehab”.


Typical Behavior During Tête-à-têtes

Farah Rahmani’s claims range from the dubious to the ridiculous. To convey her utter despondence as she grumbles, she sobs oceans on cue, wails, and smacks the back of her own hand, pulls her hair, throws herself against the wall, and slaps the top of her head uttering, "ru-yam-siah" (literal: my face is covered with soot), "khak-tu-saram" (literal: dust in my head), "man-bad-bakhtam" (I am a wretch), "zen-de-giam-bar-bad-raft" (literal: my life is gone with the wind), etc.

(Those who do not speak Persian, just imagine a hysterical and highly animated pre-prince Cinderella lamenting about her demented life and the ordeal of exposure to cinder and soot!) Believe me! If you can remain objective and keep a straight face as she does it, that scene is a study by itself.

Her on-demand fits and grotesque contortions can be so bizarre that a police officer who was there to ensure she does not pull something when Farhad went to collect his personal belongings was compelled to call for backup to control her.


Eliciting Empathy

Farah Rahmani is masterful at playing a hapless waif to accomplish what she wants - Be it undeserved favorable consideration of applications for social services, or deceitful entry into programs, or fraudulently qualifying for freebies, or alienating Farhad's acquaintances, distant relatives, and 'community members' against him, or cajoling them into unwittingly harassing him and/or revealing where he is and what he does.


Dumbing down and Pretending to a Lesser Command of English

From the start, Alex and I wondered why Farah Rahmani pretended to a lesser command of English than she actually did. I suspected it was so that we could talk freely in front of her.

At times, her body language indicated she was following routine conversation better than she let on. It was as if she was expecting us to feel at ease in order to say something more!


At the risk of sounding elitist, I venture that the way Ms. Rahmani carries herself and her ideologies suggest a repressed provincial background; nevertheless, in this case, let us accept her presentation that she is well-educated.

Public elementary and secondary schools in Iran provide mandatory training in English grammar and conversation for all 12 years. While her schooling would not have accommodated reciting Chaucer or debating the intricacies of the language's style, surely, she should have learned enough to manage basics of conversational English.

Besides, one would expect someone like Ms. Rahmani who enjoys bragging about her wisdom, intelligence, and abilities to have had the foresight of taking English classes in anticipation of moving to and living in British Columbia - If not before marrying Farhad, then during the almost 1-year after the wedding when her eventual move was certain.


As a once fresh-off-the-boat arrival who started stringing words with no rhyme or reason to get her point across immediately when she hit JFK's tarmac, I could not understand why she was hiding something so natural yet trivial.

I appreciate that some foreigners are bashful about speaking but she does not shy away from more consequential things.

Moreover, Farah Rahmani constantly boasts about her cognitive prowess. Even if she were apprehensive about speaking out, it was odd that she 'dumbed down' and pretended not to comprehend rudimentary English.


Pretending Inordinate Naiveté With Culture and Surroundings

Understandably, Ms. Rahmani is new to the area; however, she tends to spread it on too thick by pretending more Naiveté than warranted.

Within a few weeks of arriving in Canada, Farah Rahmani found and partook in a great number of free amenities, free services, free food, etc.

It was obvious that she had done her homework with respect to the geography before arriving to Canada. She was apt at getting around and making do within a few weeks. In fact, she found her way to places that even I did not know existed after spending extended time there for almost four decades and I am not a shrinking violet when in a new environments.

Yet, when suitable, she pretends to be absolutely lost. It takes one to know one. Having had to navigate and explore the Western Hemisphere with little or no language skills, I could tell when her apprehension was genuine and when it was exaggerated; however, Farah Rahmani is very slick at playing this game. To the “untrained eye”, i.e., someone without that experience, her reactions are likely to seem natural.


On one occasion, after escaping yet another of Farah Rahmani’s tantrums, Farhad called and said he was on his way to his office. This occurred shortly after her arrival and on a Sunday afternoon. He did not say why he was going to his workplace and I still did not know the extent of what was happening but sensed he needed some time alone.

As usual, Ms. Rahmani called to see where Farhad is. She did this regularly. If she could not track him by calling around, she drove erratically, speeding and slamming on the brake as she circled every store, home, and business which she though he may have gone to until she found him.

I took her agitation for worry and assured that I had spoken with him and he was safe. She would not let go and insisted to know exactly where he was.

Farhad’s reason escaped me but I appreciated that he wanted to be alone. So I said, “as I understood it, he was on his way to the SeaBus terminal”. SeaBus is a passenger ferry service which connects North Vancouver to the city of Vancouver. The terminal is as far from Farhad’s workplace as I could conjure at that moment.

Ms. Rahmani wanted to know which SeaBus he was taking. I said I did not know the schedule. She called back exactly twenty minutes later. She said she was at the terminal and had already had Farhad paged over the loudspeaker but there was no sign of him.

Even after almost 4 decades of riding that ferry, it still takes me more than half an hour to circle that block, park, and find my way to the entrance - More so, were I to actually locate the attendant’s kiosk, explain my purpose in broken English, and have someone paged!


Purporting Farhad Uprooted Her

Farah Rahmani maintained to Farhad that she was working when they met and retired after marrying him; however, she has been unable to hold on to any job for long and feigned disability long before before meeting and marrying Farhad in order to retire early and get disability benefits.

To elicit empathy, she is still telling people, "I had a good job and was perfectly happy in Iran. Farhad married me, made me retire, and brought me to Canada. Then, he mistreated and abandoned me."


Feigning Frailty and Debility

Yet another of Farah Rahmani’s tricks is promoting the notion that she is frail. Primarily, this is to present herself vulnerable with hopes of taking advantage of the amenities the Government of Canada provides to the disabled; however, she also uses those opportunities to elicit empathy.

Farah Rahmani is constantly schlepping from one doctor's office to the next and has spent many hours in emergency rooms feigning an assortment of maladies. Other than common chronic and age-related ailments, extensive tests and examinations have proven her much healthier than she purports time after time. Yet that has not stopped her.

She neither respects modern medicine nor accepts her doctors’ determinations or abides by their mandates. Instead, she becomes extremely indignant when they do not agree that she suffers from "cancer" or another malady that "proves" she "is dying" and has attempted to discredit several doctors who have disagreed with her.


In addition to angling for disability determination in Canada, Farah Rahmani purports debility to promote her other agenda as well as toward addressing her emotional needs. Specifically, she feigns illness to make people feel sorry for her and creates and seizes opportunities to be pampered and attended to by medical professionals and others in order to mitigate the emotional void when she feels deprived of attention and validation. For example, after Farhad walked out during one of Farah Rahmani's heated tantrums, she called to convince him to return as she always did.

Generally, she started those calls by expressing her "profound love" for him. If that did not convince him to return, she would offer a 'light apology' and 'half promise' to do better. (Farah Rahmani would not actually apologize for having been violent and/or for injuring him. Those "light apologies" and "half promises" were along the lines of, "come home so we can sit, talk, and work out 'whatever it is'".) If that did not persuade him, then she would claim to be "lonely" or "sick" and "needing him" and, if none of that worked, she would threaten to harm us, someone else, and/or herself if he did not return.

That day, when Farhad told Farah Rahmani he had pictures of her ruckus and his cuts and bruises and he had "just about had enough and was contemplating calling the police", she tried to dissuade him by threatening him even more.

When that did not work, Farah Rahmani claimed to be ill to get him to feel sorry for her and return and, when that also proved futile, she dashed to the emergency room. ("Dash" is the operative word here. When cross-matched with ER’s time-stamped intake notes, phone company’s geolocation data and timeline of that call indicate she practically flew there!)

Per hospital’s records, a thorough examination during that visit revealed that Farah Rahmani suffers from osteoarthritis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) due to long-term smoking; however, that did not stop her from calling several people including an elderly 'community member' to lament to and elicit empathy from.

Farah Rahmani picked that particular individual to call precisely because she is very compassionate. We had told Farah Rahmani we respected that person and that she had always been kind to Farhad. That lady in turn contacted us and said Ms. Rahmani had called her "from the hospital". She 'scolded' both Farhad and me about "'heartlessly' leaving 'poor, ill Farhah' all alone to fend for herself at the hospital", then 'lectured' us about how “the family should treat 'hapless Farah' with more compassion”. She advised Farhad to "feel blessed for having such a good wife," and "be good to her"!


Farah Rahmani is as skeptical of both modern day medical practices and traditional medicine as she is of practitioners.

In conjunction with accusing several doctors who have not agreed with her of incompetence, she has purported that they are "poisoning her with medication" - Even when that medication is relatively benign, such as Tylenol.


In contrast, she has a strong interest in obscure regimens and the lesser known properties and peculiarities of herbs and spices. She diagnoses people and jots down and distributes her own recipes for what she deems and diagnoses is ailing them. Later, she quizzes them to make sure they have followed her prescription. For example, her “sure cure” for baldness involves applying crushed oral contraceptives to the scalp several times a day.

Some believe that, in conjunction with her special 'diet' to raise Baba’s glucose level and blood pressure, Farah Rahmani "laced" the dishes that she prepared and insisted we eat as well as Farhad’s food with pernicious ingredients. We all have strong constitutions but everyone who partook in her dishes ended up sick immediately after eating them, and for a while, Farhad appeared inordinately feverish and bloated.


Perils of Importing Sight-Unseen Brides

We have all heard stories about how sight-unseen imported brides can be problematic. Some may want sponsorship to join their boyfriends. Others may disappear after exhausting their spouses’ bank accounts. Still others may be seeking treatment for some sort of physical or emotional malady.

I strongly advocate people do a lot of soul searching and get know the other parties involved before committing to anything. In my opinion, that should always be the case when contemplating long term business ventures and marriages - Even more so with respect to marriages regardless of geographic distances and cultural disparities because most purely business partnerships do not have the emotional component and are much easier to dissolve.

I was among those who tried to talk Farhad out of rushing into marriage without first getting to know Ms. Rahmani but he only sees the good in people and she is quite crafty. I even kidded that at the very least one should be as discerning when vetting potential spouses as he or she would be before committing to buy potatoes and onions.

We did not know that she was pushing Farhad to rush into marry her all the while the rest of us were trying to reason with him to wait and get to know her.

I also tried to get across to Farhad that we no longer have commonalities with fresh-off-the-boat Iranians but again, he has a kind and compassionate heart and sees everyone through that lens.

Farhad naively believed an Iranian is an Iranian and all Iranians share a common value. He thought the person he was marrying and planning to spend the rest of his life with shares our family’s values but the odds of it ending as a horrific experience would have been the same had he thrown a dart at the globe and married someone from wherever it landed.

At the time I was not even aware that she is a Kurd. In essence, culturally, her ancestry could not be any more different than our family’s.


Besides, even I could not foresee all that happened. In April 2016, in response to some family members’ bewilderment about her behavior and, because I sensed the rest of the family was in danger, I drew on the little I knew and had seen at the time to posit, "Farah Khanoum is planning to kill Farhad and harm the rest of us in some way" and warned everyone to be careful.

As it turned out, at the time, I did not know much! Moreover, it is one thing to write in abstract and another to realize several months later that your far-fetched conjecture was precisely on target and, in fact, was actually much milder than reality. In that interim, I gave Ms. Rahmani the benefit of the doubt over and over and kept faulting myself for being overly dramatic and questioning whether I had reached the wrong conclusion.

Little did I know then that the thug to whom I was extending the benefit of my doubt was cold-cocking Farhad, or going at him with closed fists, or pouring hot water all over him, or that, during one of her tantrums, among other things, she had thrown a 40 lb. toolbox at Farhad from 5 feet away, missing his head by less than an inch. (Ladies and gentlemen, sadly, this is the stuff movies are made of and it is all on video!)


Immediate Family’s Moral and Cultural Compass

My siblings and I have spent our formative years and beyond in the West. We value our Persian heritage but neither speak Persian amongst ourselves, nor subscribe to post-revolution Iranian culture, or endorse many of its peculiarities – Including but not limited to some Iranians’ inclination to come to the West to usurp and take advantage.

Our mother was the 'Persian wiz' of the family. She spoke Persian fluently, wrote essays, stories, and poems in Persian, encouraged us to read Persian literature and learn and recite Persian poetry, and was instrumental in acquainting us with the rich culture of ancient Persia. She was also wise, progressive, and highly moral, yet extremely modest and demure.

She left a huge void when she passed away. Among other things, her passing extinguished the proverbial lantern of moral and cultural acuity that she kept ever-present in our lives.

Many miss her but no one senses her absence as deeply and intensely as Farhad does. They spent a lot of time traveling and working together and he devotedly took care of her. They were two peas in a pod!

Farhad still visits the cemetery several times a week. During the past almost 12 years, not a day has gone by without him ensuring that she has flowers and/or lit candles and her marker and plot are free of dust, debris, grass clippings, weeds, and/or snow and ice. If he is travelling and cannot do it himself, he puts someone else in charge of “taking care of Maman’s grave” and calls to remind them several times.


A Possible Reason for Why Farhad Opted to Marry an Iranian

I attribute Farhad’s decision to marry an Iranian woman in general to his assumption that all women from that neck of the woods are as good as Maman was. He learned the hard way that Farah Rahmani neither possesses the mindset, characteristics, values, and moral compass which distinguished our mother nor adheres to the Persian culture in its true sense.


A Possible Reason for Why Farhad Opted to Marry Farah Rahmani in Particular

Beyond Farhad’s misconception that all Iranian women possess some of what made our mother who she was, his decision to marry Ms. Rahmani in particular was in part because having done her homework, she was aware of Farhad’s affinity for his family and knew he was caring for our father.

Farah Rahmani concocted an academic and social history that portrayed her as a competent caregiver who is particularly knowledgeable about eldercare. Then, she repeatedly expressed excitement at the prospect of being sponsored to go to Canada to become Baba’s Persian-speaking companion and give her “’Baba joon’ the kind of care that only a devoted daughter can”.

I leave the implication of the latter part of that statement to your imagination! It became a mantra in and around town before and after my fall from Ms. Rahmani’s grace. On the sly before then, openly afterward.


Cognitive Dissonance?

'Cognitive dissonance' occurs when an experience contradicts one’s long-held beliefs, ideas, or values. To alleviate that stress (i.e. to reduce the ‘cognitive dissonance and ‘make peace’ between the fact and what one believes to be the truth), the individual strives for a way to resolve the incongruity. More often, the processes involved in alleviating this internal inconsistency operate at the 'unconscious level.

For details, please see, Festinger, L. (1957). A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, Evanston, IL: Row & Peterson.

The term 'unconscious' is preferred to 'subconscious'. It involves the processes which occur automatically below the threshold of consciousness, i.e., do not yield to introspection such as thought processes, memories, and motivations. In other words, one does not choose or decide to invoke them consciously.


Farhad has been in several abusive relationships. Serial intimate partner abusers are apt at spotting and going after those who are likely to succumb to their abuse.

Ms. Rahmani was the second Iranian woman and the second Iranian female bully in his experience. The first one was also violent and tried to bully him and take control of his life.

Farhad ended his relationship with the first, a native of North Vancouver, shortly before Ms. Rahmani surfaced.

When I invoked that experience in order to motivate him to reconsider his speedy decision to marry Ms. Rahmani, he said, "that was different ... She [Farah Rahmani] would never do that."


Notwithstanding that emotionally needy abusive women seem to find his easy going, generous, and gentle persona appealing, I propose that, since Farhad naively thought the first bully’s insolence was an anomaly, he was predisposed to accepting on face value how Farah Rahmani presented herself and marrying her.

I further propose that this was his 'unconscious' / 'subconscious' mind's attempt to correct the 'cognitive dissonance' between his experience with the first Iranian female bully and his notion that all Iranian women are good.

In other words, Farhad’s decision to marry Ms. Rahmani in part may have been because unconsciously / subconsciously, he hoped to mitigate the disparity between how the first woman was (violent, controlling, and a bully) and how he perceived all other Iranian woman to be (humble, demure, and good like his mother).


Baba’s Condition

Baba has high blood pressure and is a diabetic. Under normal circumstances, both conditions are controlled with diet and medication and none of them is dire. As with most other diabetics, he favors sweets and, if left to his own volition, would opt for sugary snacks instead of nutritious meals.

When Alex first went there, he banished all “bad / processed sugars” from the house and implemented a healthy, nutritious diet for Baba. He ensures Baba’s sweet tooth is satisfied by providing sugar-free desserts and snacks with the stipulation that he eats regularly and finishes his meals.


Extremely low or extremely high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks and strokes. The possibility of comas, blindness, heart and kidney damage, and other physical issues notwithstanding, fluctuations in glucose levels can affect cognition and render the individual vulnerable to suggestions and at the mercy of their “sugar supplier”.

Moreover, those at Baba’s age, with similar backgrounds, who are cognitively alert, tend to be independent minded. As it is, everything is already subject to debate and negotiation with him. He still wants to do what was easy to him in his younger days. Getting him to forego indulging in sweets as he used to was a trying uphill battle even without Farah Rahmani’s interference.

(He was quite active well into his late seventies and early eighties but has become progressively reclusive since Maman passed away. He read, cooked, entertained, drove himself around, maintained the house, climbed up ladders to paint walls and inspect the roof, etc. and still wants to do such chores by himself.)


It took Alex a long time and much practice and patience to reason with Baba to forego sugar for the sake of healthy meals, convince him to ask for the book he wanted from the upper shelf instead of climbing up the stepstool himself, get him to agree to regular outings around town for amusement and fresh air, persuade him to attend community events and gatherings more frequently, etc.

The fact that Farah Rahmani relentlessly continued to pop in to indulge Baba with sweets, made it much more difficult for Alex in general and with respect to convincing Baba to save his appetite for healthy meals in particular. For example, to have a salad instead of a candy bar.


Of particular concern was Farah Rahmani’s inability to appreciate a diabetic’s needs. She appeared to enjoy preparing and bringing meals for Baba but whereas otherwise her effort would have been appreciated, without exception, that caused additional frustrations.

Unfortunately, despite explanations and reiterations, she persistently offered Baba the type of foods that diabetics must particularly avoid. Examples included but were not limited to:

  • Watermelon, ‘labu’ (beetroot), and ‘halva’ (highly sweet, fatty wheat pudding) instead of choosing from among thousands of other fruits, vegetables, and desserts which are readily available.

  • High carb, oil-laden, sweetened dishes such as ‘Reshteh Polo’ (rice with noodles), ‘Koofteh Tabrizi’ (vegetable hodgepodge balls), and Dolmeh (stuffed grape leaves and vegetables) with added sugar syrup, raisins, and large chunks of dried dates.

Baba often dims the light as he eats with the TV in the background. Under those conditions, one cannot not inspect everything in the spoon or on the fork before raising it to the mouth. In particular, textures and coloring of the dishes that Farah Rahmani prepared for Baba are conducive to camouflaging potentially jaw-breaking pits and other indigestible items. Many of the dishes Ms. Rahmani made and expected him to eat contained chunks of walnut shells, pits of ‘Alu Bokhara’ (dried plum), etc.

She also left sweets, chocolate bars, and large bags of sugar where Baba could find them and was observed by security cameras coming in, heading straight to his bedroom, and waking him up to give him large jars of honey.

Several times, Farah Rahmani caught up with Baba and Alex at the doctor's office when Baba was scheduled for testing after having fasted overnight and slipped Baba candy.

Until we finally caught her in the act, no one could understand why Baba's glucose level went on the fritz for no rhyme or reason when he was his usual self ten of fifteen minutes before. I am certain those who have seen what can happen when a diabetic is infused with a load of processed sugar on an empty stomach would empathize with Alex who had to manage these situations and ensure that Baba got home safe each time.


Farah Rahmani's maleficence and selfish disregard of other people’s time, attention, and property were evident in her persistence in following her whims despite repeated explanations and requests.

For example, Baba is usually ready for dinner between 6:30 and 7 p.m. He believes one must share his or her meals and refuses to eat until and unless others around him are also eating. In addition, he stops eating if he is interrupted after starting a meal and is not inclined to return to it afterward.

As we generally began preparing his dinner at around 5:00 p.m., we asked many times that Ms. Rahmani refrain from calling or visiting the house between 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. unless she was willing to have dinner with Baba.

We explained and reiterated that this would allow the person who is preparing Baba’s dinner to focus on actually preparing the meal without interruption and permit Baba to eat his food in peace.

Unfortunately, whereas she had absolutely nothing to do during the day and could have stopped by at any other time, Ms. Rahmani frequently called or came over unannounced exactly during that period. (Only exceptions were when Farhad was with her because he did not get off work until later.)



We also hoped Ms. Rahmani would respect that those who lived in that house expected privacy but our hints that she extend the courtesy of knocking or ringing the doorbell, if not calling in advance to say she was coming, got nowhere. She stopped by as she pleased, often just materializing on the balcony out of the blue.

Except for the items he stored at Baba’s house for the long term such as some of his books, legacy computer equipment, and camping and fishing gears, Farhad had already taken all of his belongings when he had moved out. Moreover, before she entered Canada, he fully furnished and equipped the apartment they shared.

Nevertheless, without fail, Farah Rahmani “wanted” or “needed” something whenever she stopped by Baba's house and went on what seemed like scavenger hunts throughout the house to find ‘it’ - Even though she knew Farhad’s belongings were being stored in specific areas on the first floor.

Within the first couple of months, Farah Rahmani took every tool, gadget, appliance, dish, pot, pan, utensil, glass, furniture, Persian carpet, piece of crystal, etc. that she could possibly need - and more - out of Baba’s house.

Ms. Rahmani was well aware that it had taken us a long time to organize the house in general and the second floor in particular. In addition, she seemed unable to appreciate that a functioning house requires certain essential gadgets and equipment.

All of a sudden, the tools, gadgets, etc. which were steadily available in that house for decades would disappear. More frustrating was that we often had no idea something was missing until we were in the middle of a project which depended on it. Some of those items must exist in a house. So we purchased replacements only for those replacements to also disappear.

Of course, Farah Rahmani did not really “need” many of those items. Why would she “need” two additional rice cookers and three additional vacuum cleaners when Farhad had already equipped the apartment with such things? Also, what did she think she could to do in an apartment with the leaf blower, pole saw, two chainsaws, and three string trimmers that disappeared along with other gardening equipment?

Clearly, she did not take them for herself. During some of her tantrums Farah Rahmani more or less admitted that she just wanted to ensure we did not have them. Likely, she was selling them or giving them away to her ‘friends’.

Since she was in the habit of popping in and taking things without announcing herself, we requested she at least knock or ring the bell and ask Baba's permission and let us know before removing things so that we do not look for them. That too fell on deaf ears.


Security Measures

Farhad’s decision to begin their life together away from Baba’s house ultimately proved instrumental in saving his life as well as Baba’s. It was innocently and naively intended to give Ms. Rahmani the opportunity to adjust to Canada and to give the family adequate time to get to know her.

Had he not decided to live elsewhere, she would have had ready access to Baba without the rest of us around and the isolation to do as she pleased with and to both of them.

Of course, Farah Rahmani tried her best to convince Baba and me that it would be best if they move into Baba's house. As Alex and I were not needed in that case, she would have been rid of us and have Baba and Farhad at her mercy.

With him, it was all "Baba joon, Baba joon, I know what you need." With me, it was complaints about how miserable she was at her own home and how the neighbors harassed her day and night. Unfortunately for her, her hints and laments went nowhere.


Baba’s house still operates at the proverbial ‘heightened state of security’ but for a while poor Farhad had to play cloak and dagger just to spend a few minutes with his father and/or us. Time after time, he noticed her in his rearview mirror as he was coming over to the house and turned around so as not to endanger us.

It is a long list but if I am to pick and presume moral judgment against only one of Farah Rahmani’s actions, it is that she denied the old man, who did nothing but welcome and shower her with love and affection, the opportunity to spend time with his son.


Alex’s Ordeals with Farah Rahmani as he Cared for Baba

Credit is due where it is due and I do not know of any other thirty-something who would offer to adjust a full life and career to spend time with, and care for, his grandfather. The guy just happens to be my son. His compassion, sense for altruism, and decisions are all his doing.

I have written several gushy posts about what he has been doing in Canada but that is not even half of it! As our 'man on the ground, Alex in particular was subjected to a lot and had to put up with a lot.

He is very patient but ultimately, even he had to have Farah Rahmani served with a “Demand to Cease and Desist” to get her to stop harassing and issuing death threats against him.


Farah Rahmani’s Initial Approach to Alex

In the beginning, although she was going around badmouthing Alex, Ms. Rahmani acted as sweet and cordial toward him as she did toward the rest of us.

From the start, Farah Rahmani saw Alex as an obstacle to her plans for Baba. With him around, she could not do and say what she wanted to Baba, could not raise Baba’s blood pressure by calling at 2 a.m. to make him worry about Farhad’s whereabouts when he was actually asleep next to her or on the sofa, could not feed Baba what she wanted, could not jeopardize Baba’s health, etc.

Above all, she saw Alex as the only reason for why she was not living in what she perceived as 'her house' and did not have 24/7 access to Baba. She thought without Alex around, Farhad would be forced to return to the house to take care of Baba!


Soliciting Money From Alex

Farah Rahmani asked for and obtained money from a number of Farhad’s friends and relatives. In particular, she swindled from Alex over and over because she knew that, just like Farhad, he is generous to a fault. In turn, Alex respected and accommodated Ms. Rahmani because he loves his uncle.

In all, Alex 'gave' Farah Rahmani thousands of dollars. She would call him in the middle of the day, claim a dire emergency, ask for $200 here, $500 there, etc., and either say she "did not have her wallet and was not able to reach Farhad", or "Farhad was at work and she could not get there and back on time", or she "did not wish to tell Farhad because it was to be for a surprise for him".

At the time, Alex had no reason to doubt her. He was also unaware that she was grabbing Farhad’s paychecks as soon as he received them. Or that she had confiscated his bankcard, checkbook, and credit cards. Or that she had put Farhad on a $5 a day allowance for coffee and lunch at work and bus fare. Or that she was frequenting casinos almost daily.

Further, we did not know she had commandeered the car by taking its key from Farhad, thereby forcing him to take multiple buses each way to and from work.

Ms. Rahmani’s excuses whenever she would ask Alex for money were along the lines of "something is on sale only for today", and "I’m on a long line to register for something", and "I have to buy a book before this afternoon’s English class", etc.

Just as she did with the other people she swindled from, Farah Rahmani swore Alex not to mention it to Farhad or anyone else, claiming she did not want Farhad to know Alex paid for his present, or people to "think she is helpless" and/or "think badly of her", etc.


Intercepting Farah Rahmani’s Plans for Baba

As Farah Rahmani showered Baba with adorations with one breath and attempted to harm him with another, Alex had to care for him in those states.

He intercepted many of her plans for Baba. Among other things, he fronted when she called in the middle of the night to agitate Baba; replaced many dishes of “uncertain” contents that she made for him; and continuously found and discarded 5 lb. jars of honey and syrup, 10 kilo bags of sugar, and boxes and packs of cookies and candy that she snuck into the house and/or left in and around the carport and yard.

Of course, he could not monitor and deflect the situation 100% of the time. For example, knowing Alex would not refuse his uncle, Ms. Rahmani had Farhad invite him over for a game of Backgammon. Her excuse to Farhad was, “it would be nice for Alex to get out of the house”.

Then, when Alex and Farhad were engaged in a conversation, she got away from their earshot and, unbeknownst to them, called Baba to say Farhad was missing for several hours, acted worried, and put Baba who she had made sure was all alone in a frantic state.


Making the Best of a Bad Situation

Farah Rahmani’s antics were quite distressing. Moreover, she employed them on the whim and with absolutely no tact or respect for other people's time and attention.

For example, before we began to question the contents and quality of her dishes, we asked to no avail that she give us several hours’ notice whenever she planned to make food for Baba. This way, Alex or I would not have had to halt everything else to make a meal only to discard it afterward.

(Most of the dishes she made for Baba are time consuming. Conceivably, she had ample time to call and let us know she was bringing food well after she had set out to cook them.)

Likely, the fact that Farah Rahmani's flighty nature propels her instantaneous compulsions works well for her in such cases with others. Since it tends to wear people down and/or catch them off-guard, it presents her victims with fewer opportunities to notice what she is up to and/or thwart her plan.

Unfortunately for Ms. Rahmani, we recognized her incongruities early and often double-teamed and, in the process, we tried to make light of certain situations as best as we could.

Among Alex’s highly stressful yet amusing missions was when, instead of delivering the meal she had prepared for Baba as she usually did, Ms. Rahmani uncharacteristically called and asked Alex to pick it up.

Upon picking it up that day, Alex pulled over and sent me a picture of the dish. It consisted of rolls that seemed like Mexican taquitos but I was certain they were not taquitos. Ms. Rahmani prides herself on her Persian cooking. Moreover, as she dislikes foreign foods herself, I knew she would not presume to make or serve them to Baba.

After asking Alex to send several more pictures from different angles, I was still bewildered. So I asked him to unroll one and send a picture of the filling. Here I was, almost 4,000 miles away, and there he was on the side of a major highway in rush hour traffic dissecting what was presumably an Iranian dish with minimal knowledge of Persian herbs and spices.

Baba’s dinnertime was approaching and we were still unable to figure it out. I suggested discarding the food altogether but Alex offered to pick up and serve Baba a side of taquitos, egg rolls, and mini burritos along with the dish he had already planned.

Per the surveillance footage, in response to Farah Rahmani’s question, "Baba joon, what did you eat for dinner, Baba joon?" later that night, Baba said, "I had soup, salad, and salmon ... There were some other stuff in rolls ... I don’t know what they were but they looked disgusting ... I took one bite and they tasted disgusting as well ... Alex gave me ice cream (sugar free) to wash down the taste.”

After that, Farah Rahmani was noticeably less inclined to force her meals on Baba.


Other People's Money: The Subject of Farah Rahmani’s Affection

Farah Rahmani is a grifter. Her specialty is abusing the system and setting up unsuspecting victims and blackmailing them.

Whereas she purports to having had a long career in Iran, it seems she was unable to last at any job for long. Moreover, she reportedly “motivated” a doctor to certify she has Multiple sclerosis (MS) several years ago and retired early, receiving disability benefits.

When they met in Turkey, Farhad gave her a large sum to take back to Iran along with the gifts he had bought for her in Canada and the jewelry that he bought her in Turkey. He also sent her money whenever someone he knew was going to visit Iran and through currency brokers. In addition, whenever she called and said she needed a "new hot water heater", some "work on her car", etc., he immediately arranged for her to get what she "needed".

Farhad makes more than enough for the two of them to have lived very comfortably in affluent North Vancouver. She grabbed his paychecks and controlled his bank accounts, only giving him a token daily allowance but, from the beginning, Farah Rahmani asked for money from his friends and family. She told many of them "not to tell" him, and course, never repaid what she "borrowed".

Farah Rahmani actively seeks services and anythings she can get for free. She even signed up at a food pantry and ate lunch at a place which serves food to the homeless and those with low income once a week. Farhad and I tried to explain that she does not need those things and should let the less advantaged have those opportunities but she would not listen. In fact, she seemed very proud of herself for doing so.

In light of everything Farah Rahmani does, the overriding picture is that all her concerns, all her schemes, all her manipulations, and all her reckless and reprehensible actions, were - and still are - toward getting her hands on money.


Leeching Money Under False Pretenses

Farah Rahmani solicited and received money from several of Farhad’s relatives and Friends. She called them "loans" and told many of those individuals "never" to tell Farhad but never intended to repay them. Ultimately, Farhad felt obliged and repaid them when he found out.

Beyond the obvious material benefit to her, she probably did so to embarrass him and create unanticipated financial burden.

Unbeknownst to those individuals, Farah Rahmani was using that money (as well as a major portion of Farhad’s earnings) to support her gambling habit.

When Farhad learned that Ms. Rahmani had persuaded a distant relative to take a $500 cash advance from his only credit card which had a $1,000 limit for her, he repaid the individual.

Later, I asked Ms. Rahmani to refrain from soliciting money from any of our friends and relatives and emphasized that she should have never expected, asked for, and accepted, money from that person in particular.

I reasoned, "since the person is on fixed income, he probably depends on his sole credit card". Instead of at least pretending to appreciate what I was saying even if not actually empathizing with the individual, Farah Rahmani casually responded, "but he has another $500 left on that card"!

That is unequivocally the coldest and the most selfish statement I have ever heard!


Farah Rahmani's Gambling Habit

I wish I could say my former sister-in-law is a wiz at doing something constructive with the money she so lusts after. Alas, Farah Rahmani gambles it all away.

She likes going to casinos. She regularly went by herself when Farhad was at work but demanded that escort her if he was not working.

The rest of us did not know that she she had commandeered the car and frequented casinos or that she was so enamored with gambling until much later. Alex and I often thought that with Farhad at work, she would be all alone at home and felt sorry for her. We frequently called her on our way to run errands to see whether she would be interested in joining us. When she would not answer, we thought nothing of it and assumed she had gone for walks around her neighborhood as she claimed she was doing with her days.

On one of her trips to a casino with Farhad, they noticed a wallet on the floor. He expected her to call someone over and hand it in but she put it in her handbag and went to the restroom.

When they were leaving the casino, Farhad reminded her about the wallet. At first, she said she could just drop it for someone else to find and return it but he insisted she turn it in herself. She went to give it to the security and he went to get the car.

When she did not come out, he went back in and found out she was being detained and questioned because the wallet contained no money when she returned it.

Apparently, the owner had already called and reported the wallet missing. He had said it contained money and the casino’s cameras had captured Farah Rahmani going into the bathroom with the wallet in her handbag.

Farah Rahmani was barred from that casino as well as its affiliated group of casinos for one year for lying.


Farah Rahmani’s Viewpoints on Social Issues

Farah Rahmani has a profound mistrust of authority, lack of respect for the police, and the belief that laws can bend. She objects to even the most standard of the society's rules and requirements, for example, the requirement to have a license in order to drive.

She tends to express dissatisfaction about living in Canada and is not hesitant about expressing her views that Canadian authorities are “bullies” and the Canadian public is “suffering”. She has repeatedly stated that how she perceived Canada administratively, judicially, and socially before coming to the Country does not match the reality that she is experiencing.

Farah Rahmani also believes that the ordinary Canadian public such as herself are "slaves" and claims that the people who run things are "unfair", "lazy", and "stupid". This includes bank officers, motor vehicle department clerks, supermarket cashiers, doctor’s receptionists, and practically everyone else who tells her "no" or says something that she does not like to hear.


In addition, Farah Rahmani makes disparaging presumptions and derogatory statements against individuals as well as the groups to which she attaches them. Subjects of Farah Rahmani’s disdain include practically everyone she sees in the course of her day, when shopping, at the park, etc. regardless of whether or not she actually interacts with them. Groups her contempt extends to include, "Canadians", the "police", "doctors", "lawyers", and the "LGBTQ community". (She frequently uses a disparaging term when referencing the latter.)

Farah Rahmani repeatedly alleges people she does not like are "thieves", "drunks", "drug addicts", and/or "drug dealers". Sometimes she says the person is "impotent", and other times, she claims he or she is a "rapist" and/or a "pedophile".

She accuses people of "giving her cancer" by being the way they are, and uses the word "gay" as if it is derogatory. Reportedly, that is a big 'no-no' in Iran. We tried to no avail to explain to her that, in the West and the rest of the civilized world, being gay is not tabooed and being called gay is not an insult but she maintained her delusion that, "all gays have full-blown AIDS" and that she "will be infected with HIV if merely in the same vicinity as 'someone who is gay' [derogatory term revised]".


Farah Rahmani's Deep Rooted Biases and Radical Views

Some of Farah Rahmani’s later pronouncements in person, via voice mails and text messages, and on social media convey radical views and deeply rooted religious bias – Yet another aspect that manifested after she came to Canada.

There is a strong indication that a part of her vehemence to denigrate the family - within 'the community' in particular - stems from those resentments.

When she needed to ingratiate herself to us before she began her public crusade, she presented herself as the poster child of tolerance, social harmony, and pacifism.

More recently, that circle has widened even further and now includes efforts to malign 'the community' as a whole. The hateful nature of those attacks further bear witness to Farah Rahmani’s deep-rooted bigotry and intolerance, as well as her mental instability.


In practice, Ms. Rahmani does not conform to any religion but she is a Sunni Muslim by birth. She does, however; have extremely radical views and is particularly vocal about them during her tantrums. For example, when threatening Farhad, among other things, she would claim to be affiliated with "Daesh" (her term - Arabic acronym for the Islamic State).

Interestingly, in earlier times, when she was putting on the semblance of being non-practicing, Ms. Rahmani used the more generic Persian reference, "Khoda" whenever she has mentioned God.

In private when screaming at Farhad, and in public after she no longer had to pretend to having moderate views, she switched to the traditional Arabic term “Allah” - Particularly when invoking the one who she expects will right the "wrongs done to her".

Farah Rahmani’s usage of the term “Allah” by itself is not a problem. What is interesting is her ideological dithering and rapid transition from "Khoda" to "Allah" right when she started dubbing the family her "enemies" and issuing death threats against us privately and on social media and elsewhere.

This would not be an issue had she used the term "Allah" as opposed to "Khoda" even once during any of our lengthy conversations in which she invoked the almighty, or when communicating with someone else in the family and 'the community' over the preceding eight months.


Farah Rahmani’s disposition and radical social views make her an ideal recruit for subversive organizations that are on the lookout for imbalanced people with chips on their shoulders who are anti-establishment, fearlessly avoid rationality, and are not above harming themselves.

That she refused to return several of Farhad’s identity documents was additionally distressing because items such as original birth certificates are at premium in a country like Iran. Whereas duplicates are easily obtainable in black market, an original birth certificate is very hard to come by. Similarly, a Canadian passport is highly sought after by unsavory elements.


Farah Rahmani is Atypical!

In all fairness to Farhad, no one could have anticipated this. The family hit the jackpot and much more with Farah Rahmani. She does not have just one of the problems generally associated with marrying and sponsoring foreign nationals, or two of them, or three. She has a multitude of very serious impossible to treat issues which extend beyond her promiscuity and gambling. There is no cure for psychopathy!


Theories About Why Farah Rahmani is This Way

That Farah Rahmani cunningly pursued and persuaded an unsuspecting Canadian to marry and sponsor her, that she is a violent abuser, and that she is an extortionist are three distinct and independent aspects of her persona.

Even if all three of these factors were not at play simultaneously, she would still have lied her way to Canada, and/or would still have abused Farhad, and/or would still have attempted to strong-arm the family into submitting to her blackmail.


Theories abound as to why Ms. Rahmani conducts herself so. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) which is the definitive diagnostic guideline for clinicians and researchers as well as other mental health-related literature characterize a “personality disorder” as follows:

“An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment”.

Many of the tendencies exhibited by Farah Rahmani as well as other perpetrators of domestic violence follow classic explanations of 'Borderline Personality Disorder' (BPD) in conjunction with 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder' (NPD) and 'Antisocial Personality Disorder' (ASPD).

I shall delve into some of these later. For now, briefly:

  • Borderline Personality Disorder is marked by unstable emotions, inability to maintain relationships, and a distorted sense of self. It often presents as an extreme fear of abandonment, dangerous behavior, and self-harm.

  • Antisocial Personality Disorder's manifestations include impulsiveness, recklessness, failure to consider consequences of actions, impoverished moral sense or conscience, and propensity to endanger self and others.

  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, extensive need for attention and admiration, disregard of others, and lack of empathy.

Reference: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.


Those with 'Antisocial Personality Disorder' are often manipulative, aggressive, destructive, and deceitful. They are prone to stealing and tend to violate commonly accepted rules of conduct and formal laws.

'Narcissistic Personality Disorder' can present in a variety of forms. For example, an article published in the American Journal of Psychiatry makes a distinction between "grandiose" (or "overt) and "vulnerable" (or "covert") behavioral patterns.

Reference: Caligor, E., Levy, K.N., Yeomans, F.E. (May 2015). Narcissistic personality disorder: Diagnostic and clinical challenges. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 172(5): 415–22. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2014.14060723

Behaviors exhibited by many political and corporate leaders and entrepreneurs are more along the lines of "grandiose" narcissism subtype. Such individuals have high self-esteem and are often go-getters. In contrast, "vulnerable" narcissists have low self-esteem and extremely fragile egos. Although both subtypes need constant attention and adoration, a "vulnerable narcissist" is more likely to become unstable and perceive persecution when rejected.


As a byproduct of those issues, Farah Rahmani has a great need for attention, affirmation, and validation; is intensely fearful of abandonment, goes to extreme measures to avoid real or imagined separation or rejection; and becomes highly agitated whenever she feels abandoned.

Her tantrums intensified and she trashed their home, broke dishes, etc. whenever he got away from yet another of her eruptions and, in many of her written and verbal messages to him, she professes she "needs" him and is "incomplete" without him as she pleads for his return. If all her other efforts at garnering attention fail, she compensates her need by feigning illness to elicit empathy and draw focus onto herself.

Farah Rahmani also claimed to want to "protect" Farhad from those she deemed as "bad influencers" in his life, i.e., practically everyone who is fond of him and/or everyone he is fond of. Conceivably, her attempts at denigrating him before his friends and family and her intense animosity toward anyone who praised him were for her to maintain her control over him as well as ensure his undivided attention on herself.

In addition, Farah Rahmani disdains authority figures and rule of law. Cases in point, she drove for a long time without a valid driver's license, has baselessly accused several police officers of dereliction of their duties, and is constantly on the 'lookout' to 'bend the rule' to her favor.

Moreover, she harbors intense envy of others, imagines nonexistent relationships, and reacts inordinately to perceived threats. For example, she reset Farhad’s preferences on Facebook to block his ability to communicate with his friends, conceived nonexistent relationships between him and any female he spoke with casually including his neighbors and customers - Often confronting and threatening to bad mouth them if they did not stop “lusting after her husband”.


Nature or Nurture?

Those who have known Farah Rahmani since she was a child, say she has evinced more or less the same type of abusive behavior for "as long as they have known her".

My (very unscientific) thought is that Ms. Rahmani, as we know her today, is the product of both nature and nurture. I posit that she has likely suffered throughout her life because of her psychological issues.

Moreover, although no ‘magic wand’ can zap away all of her psychological issues, I propose that there have been quite a few missed opportunities to ameliorate some of them before Farah Rahmani, and those issues, hardened.

Would you allow your child to play with someone who has Farah Rahmani’s attributes? Would you allow a social misfit with her emotional instabilities into your life when you know what she is capable of?

We know half of her family has shunned her and the other half is weary of her. We know she has no friends because those she spoke of and her relationships with them were figments of her imagination. We also know she has antagonized many who have ventured to get close to her. We know she cannot manage work settings because her work history is fabricated. Even the job she got within walking distance of Farhad’s workplace after the separation to stalk him ended in acrimony.

This is neither to justify Ms. Rahmani’s actions nor to absolve her. Surely, she has had moments of lucidity and opportunities to exercise free will and seek help for those issues but often systems and societies are equally culpable in such cases.

If, as they say, Farah Rahmani has been "like this" for so long, where were her parents and her community? Where were her teachers and elders? Why didn't they intervene before her emotional and psychological damage took hold and it was too late?

Similarly, where was 'the system'? Her physical and emotional attacks on Farhad and everything else she did with the family are not anomalies. If I am aware of a litany of unrelated indiscretions by Farah Rahmani, others must also know.

As it happens, 'troubled' children and those deemed 'emotionally disturbed' are frequently passed from one teacher to another, one school to another, one community to another. She is a bully. Likely, passing her along was preferable to chancing her wrath by trying to help her overcome her psychological challenges. Also likely, by the time they realized what had hit them, her victims were just glad to be rid of her.

Clearly, Farah Rahmani has had much practice. One does not just 'learn' many of the specific forms of physical and psychological torture she employed with Farhad by reading a how-to book, or watching a video, or searching the Internet.

She knows how to inflict pain surreptitiously by bending the thumb backwards. She plastered the walls with targeted humiliations to dispirit him and, for maximum effect when depriving him of sleep, waited until he had dozed off before startling him by broadcasting jarring sounds and/or attacking him.

Such cruelty cannot just be 'picked up'. How come she was not stopped and given the help she needed before she perfected her 'art' and mastered how to isolate her victims and do her deeds on the sly?


Deviant Behavior

No one is 'normal' in its purest sense. We all have our kinks and each of us fails other people’s expectations at one point or another; nevertheless, most people adhere to 'social norms' most of the time. Those norms are patterns of behavior the 'collective' has agreed upon as “right” and “wrong” (or correct and incorrect). They are the rules by which to behave in the given society.

While certain norms (like views about polygamy, or the question of whether something is a gift or a bribe) can differ from one society to another, 'fundamentals' such as respecting others and striving to do no harm are the same across all society.

Psychologists refer to conduct that defy social norms to the extent of infringing on others' rights as "deviant behavior". Whereas anyone may deviate now and then, behavior that is consistently antithetical to social norms is of particular interest to psychologists as well as of grave concern by society.

Of note is that personality disorders or even certain forms of mental illness do not necessarily render people deviants. Of essence is whether the particular individual suffers from a particular issue that can activate criminal behavior and the extent to which that issue is under control.


My Quest for Answers

In the real world, people marry for a variety of reasons, none of which may have to do with love and eternal bliss. Of course, most neither lie about their aspirations nor are violent.

It was quite easy to recognize 'what' Farah Rahmani was 'up to'. She is driven by money - Specifically to feed her gambling habit.

Also in hindsight, she did not hide much of what she was doing because - First, she is an unimaginative 'one trick pony' who consistently uses the same handful of approaches such as spreading lies and recording unsuspecting people, then invoking bits and pieces out of context to bully them into succumbing to her blackmail; and second, she was far too overly confident of her ability to sway our family as individuals or as a group.

Farah Rahmani's 'narcissism' led her to believe that she had the family 'eating out of her hands'. So once in a while, the facade fell, and her true self manifested.

DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) identifies "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy".

An individual diagnosed with "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" exhibits five (or more) of the following:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Diagnostic Criteria 301.81 (F60.81)

  • "Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is 'special' and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes"

Reference: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.


Much more perplexing was the 'why'. At first, I refused to believe anyone, much less my own sister-in-law, could be be so devoid of humanity. I pondered, "even if her initial plan was to 'take advantage', how can she be so base to continue harming those who have shown her so much kindness?"

That question answers itself when Farah Rahmani’s toxic behavior is juxtaposed with manifestations of “Antisocial Personality Disorder” and “Borderline Personality Disorder”.

DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) details these conditions and their key signs and symptoms as follows:

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Diagnostic Criteria 301.7 (F60.2)

“A pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others, occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:

  • Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
  • Deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure
  • Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead
  • Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults
  • Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
  • Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations
  • Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another”

Borderline Personality Disorder

Diagnostic Criteria 301.83 (F60.3)

“A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

  • Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment by friends and family
  • Unstable personal relationships that alternate between idealization (‘I’m so in love!’) and devaluation (‘I hate him’). This is also sometimes known as ‘splitting’
  • Distorted and unstable self-image, which affects moods, values, opinions, goals and relationships
  • Impulsive behaviors that can have dangerous outcomes, such as excessive spending, unsafe sex, substance abuse or reckless driving
  • Self-harming behavior including suicidal threats or attempts
  • Periods of intense depressed mood, irritability or anxiety lasting a few hours to a few days
  • Chronic feelings of boredom or emptiness
  • Inappropriate, intense or uncontrollable anger - often followed by shame and guilt
  • Dissociative feelings - disconnecting from your thoughts or sense of identity or ‘out of body’ type of feelings - and stress-related paranoid thoughts. Severe cases of stress can also lead to brief psychotic episodes.”

Reference: American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.


In common vernacular, the terms 'psychopath', 'psychopathy', 'sociopath', and 'sociopathy' indicate 'antisocial' behavior. The amoral (lack of conscience) aspect of 'psychopathy' distinguishes it from 'sociopathy'.

Although not a clinical term, 'malignant narcissism' which is often used in the context of domestic abuse, describes an array of severe mental issues arising from aspects of narcissism, antisocial behavior along with sadism, aggression, and paranoia. Those affected are perceived to have a sense of profound self-importance and propensity to hostility, undermining their friends, families, affiliates, and employers, and dehumanizing those with whom they associate.


I lectured about the human psyche and mental disorders but had no practical experience with such gross conduct. My knowledge was limited to research and theory and causes and effects of deviant behavior in organizational settings.

I knew deviant behavior does not require conscious will to diverge from social norms. I also knew that often, the individual thinks he or she is doing the right thing and that some formulate scripts to maintain control of themselves and the situation.

That could explain why Ms. Rahmani is incapable of remorse as well as why she always has something 'more to add' to her narrative. Yet I wondered, for example, why she was unable to at least feign empathy - even if she is not capable of actually experiencing it.

There were many indications of Ms. Rahmani’s inability to feign empathy and her tendency to script in advance what she planned to do and say but perhaps the most demonstrative was her non-reaction when she saw my two newly dislocated toes shortly after I tripped (sheer clumsiness) and my foot folded over.

Whereas a more typical reaction in such a circumstance is to grimace, and/or express concern, and/or inquire about how it happened, Ms. Rahmani dismissed the swollen black and blue stumps and proceeded to share her continuing saga as soon as she saw me that day. Even after Baba called up from downstairs to see how I was doing, she cut me off mid-explanation to add another detail to her story.

What eluded me at the time was that she had dropped the ball and she knew it! By then, the family had thwarted most of her efforts - either knowingly or inadvertently. Although many with her issues are able to feign appropriate emotional reactions, they start losing their tight control as their narratives unravel.


Then there was another part of me that was unable to resolve the cognitive dissonance I was experiencing - Specifically, the contrast between my belief in the goodness of human nature and what I was witnessing.

I knew domestic abusers often deny they are violent but still wondered, "Even if she thinks she does no wrong, is she not concerned that she is tormenting her 'beloved Farhad' as she referred to him? Even if her mind has conveniently 'forgotten' that she hit Farhad in the shin with a hammer, why hasn’t she noticed him limping and wondered why? Why isn’t she concerned about the bruises on his face and the burn blisters on his neck and chest?"

I failed to appreciate then that Farah Rahmani’s roller coaster idealization and devaluation of Farhad stemmed from a much deeper problem that I fathomed.


Mental Disorders

Farah Rahmani exhibited symptoms of several distinct 'conditions' precisely as outlined in my lecture notes on mental disorders but my lectures in this area are mainly theoretical. I am neither qualified, nor wanted to presume, to 'diagnose' her.

Those outlines could serve as checklists of her deviant behavior. Yet I Continued to doubt my conclusions and reasoned, "her behavior closely matches DSM's diagnostic criteria for several personality disorders. How can one person have so many issues yet remain undiagnosed into her late forties? There must be another explanation."

I realize now that I was giving the Iranian mental health system far too much credit. Or maybe Iranians were quite eager and extremely relieved to pawn off Ms. Rahmani to Canada!


Psychology and psychiatry are relatively new fields. They are still evolving and, as I keep reminding my students, each condition is explained by many, often contrasting theories.

Ultimately, without divulging who she was and her relationship to me, I posed a hypothetical that described some of her behavior to some colleagues who are actual mental health professionals with practical experience assessing and treating deviant conduct.

Without exception, their consensus was, "this individual is dangerous to herself and people around her." All also agreed that beneath the aura of confidence such an individual may exude, is a damaged person who needs attention and is frightened of being alone.

They said as long as the focus is on the person, that attention could be either positive or negative. They also said relatives, friends, and significant others tend to find ridding themselves of someone who exhibits such tendencies extremely difficult.

Interestingly, I had not shared that Farah Rahmani frequently slams into walls, hits herself, and pulls out clumps of her own hair. Yet their conclusion based on some of her other tendencies was "proclivity to hurt not only other people but also herself".

Later, we learned from Farah Rahmani's family that she has been self-mutilating, i.e., cutting herself and engaging in other self-harm methods, since she was a teenager.


When I eventually shared the real story as it had unfolded by then, one of those professionals expressed interest in seeing and evaluating Ms. Rahmani in person and offered to fly to Canada.

I knew she would not agree to a formal meeting with a psychiatrist because she had already refused to seek counseling. So I arranged a social get together and introduced Ms. Rahmani to “my good friend who was visiting”. Albeit informal, the opportunities for observation and in-person interaction during that weekend affirmed those conclusion.

Of course, regardless of the extent of a psychiatrist's expertise in diagnosing and treating deviant behavior, it is one thing when he or she concludes something after observing and speaking with someone, and another, when that subject has given informed consent and has been formally examined, assessed, and diagnosed in a clinical setting; nevertheless, that information set me straight.

Further delay in extracting Farhad from Farah Rahmani’s clutches and averting her access to Baba as I second-guessed myself, questioned her state of mind, or attempted to rationalize her motives would have been to their detriment.


Farah Rahmani’s Idiosyncrasies

Farah Rahmani is 'different'! She is a fascinating study for any student of human behavior. The following are some of her quirks beyond her propensity to become violent:

I noticed early on that, unless actively pursuing her purpose, Ms. Rahmani was impervious to many nuances of the spoken and body language such as facial expressions, posture, tone, and inflection.

For example, she did not react to jokes 'normally'. (Again, 'normal' is relative. In this case, it is her reaction in comparison with that of others to the same thing in the same setting and circumstance.)

It was not just that my attempts at humor were meager. My humor is 'dark' and 'dry' and not to everyone's taste. Moreover, I do not profess to be funny by any measure. Ms. Rahmani was unaffected even when someone said a really funny joke which everyone else present thought hilarious.

At first, I attributed her non-reaction to her 'foreignness' but she was not moved even after it was explained to her. She just sat there seemingly following with a glossy stare and a forced smile at intervals, yet there was nothing there.


She also appeared unable to 'take' a joke about herself. Farhad, Alex, and I do not take ourselves seriously. We goof around and poke fun at one another. At first, we tried to include her but, each time, her face contorted into a defensive expression and she appeared as if she was taking it personally.

For example, when I kidded that a particular lady at a market was probably being pleasant and particularly kind to us because she likes Farhad, Ms. Rahmani complained to the poor woman’s employer, and demanded she be fired.


In general, Farah Rahmani is not interested in group conversations that are not focused on her or have no potential to reveal something she can later use to her benefit. She tends to go off and busy herself with another group. If that is not possible or if it is a one-on-one conversation and she is not pumping the other person for information or she is not complaining to that person, then she drifts off until she hears something of interest to her.

She appears as though she is listening attentively, and nods and smiles at intervals as if she is following, but her eyes glaze over. Then, suddenly, she double takes when she hears a keyword of interest and asks for whatever it was to be repeated - as if she has just woken up.

Whereas the human mind and body are inclined to ‘escape’ when a conversation is not particularly interesting and/or when one is in cognitive overload, it is unusual if that happens routinely irrespective of the speaker, topic, and occasion.


Farah Rahmani has a lofty sense of self and expects others to agree with what she says. In a number of grandiloquent messages, she boasts of being the “best wife anyone can ask for” and “God’s gift”, and harps about her abilities, virtues, decency, knowledge, etc.

In several of her voice messages and texts, Farah Rahmani tells Farhad to be “grateful to God for being blessed with such a wife” and admits to fabricating lies to “punish” him for “not appreciating a wife who is as wonderful as” she is.

After the separation, she bombarded Farhad, Baba, and me daily with hundreds of texts, calls, and e-mails. Certainly, those of you who have met her were also subjected to her lengthy hyperbolic boasts about how "great" she is and her "devotion to Farhad".


She claims Farhad and certain other people (those who anger her because they do not do as she wishes) could “find inner peace” by “letting” her help them, dress them, show them “how to behave”, “train” them, etc.


Farah Rahmani harbors intense envy of others, imagines nonexistent relationships, and reacts inordinately. She also believes others are equally envious of her.

For example, in several of her text and voice messages, as she begs Farhad to return, she posits their separation is because certain people “who are jealous of their profound love for one another have jinxed their relationship” (cheshm-e-moon zadand).


Farah Rahmani’s capricious mindset is evident in the following rough translations of a series of her text messages to Farhad during a 10-minute period. Of note is the contrast between the 1:10 a.m. message and those immediately before and after it.

Punctuations and their frequency are as in their originals. My notes are in [brackets]:

  • 1:04 a.m. - "Do not fool yourself you also love me …"

  • 1:07 a.m. - "I am counting the moments until I put my head on your heart and feel the warmth of your being .. and this frozen coldness transforms into the burning fire of love and again we can be tranquil in one another's arms …. And continue memories of happy moments we had together. Farhad this separation is an edification lesson so we appreciate each other more and I shall love you until the day I am alive and will remain alongside you and in your arms .."

  • 1:10 a.m. - "Bloody lunatic [Literal: "crazy atheist"] ........ You do not send me a message!!??? Why are you playing hide and go seek???? Have you asked yourself what these games are for??? Suppose by making me suffer … I die will your conscience be calm??? But why?? Come to your senses and stop these things my Farhad why when someone loves you from their heart you break their heart?????"

  • 1:13 a.m. - "My dearest Farhad my spouse my everything [literal: everyone] ] I swear you to God to think wisely …. Do not spoil our life …. Please …. Do not embarrass me and do not make my hope hopeless …… I swear you to God swear you to your mother's soul swear you to our love swear you to the promises we gave one another swear you to all the time we waited to get together ….. I beg come make a beautiful life … I swear to God it is not a difficult task …"

  • 1:14 a.m. - "I adore you from my heart and love you and will die without you"

  • 1:14 a.m. - "Understand this … Get this ….. Do not be a coward … Do not renege on your promise … Do not leave me ….. Do not let go of my hand …. We need one another …. I love you"


Empathy for Farah Rahmani

On one hand, one pities Farah Rahmani because she is so obviously miserable in her own skin. On the other hand, she is a menace incapable of empathy who mows through without a care.

Many people who are like her burn out and end up on the fringes without realizing what they did to get there. Even after all that she has done, I often wonder what will become of her and would be feeling better had she agreed to see a counselor when Farhad suggested it or had she taken me on my offer to arrange for one on the day she bloodied my son’s face.


Again, despite it all, I cannot help but feel sorry for Farah Rahmani. Amidst her tall tales, glimmers of her absolute reality shine through now and then. That life, for Ms. Rahmani, is just not fair. No one treats her right. Her own family has meanly abandoned her, this family has foolishly rejected her, friends selfishly shun her, employers wrongfully turn their back on her, doctors incompetently dismiss her concerns, and law enforcement is unreasonably harsh to her. It is all a series of injustices.


Example of Farah Rahmani's dribble 2

Farah Rahmani and Me

All along, Alex and I were among Farah Rahmani’s favorite targets. Of course, she was full of praise when we were around but, among a slew of other things, Ms. Rahmani tried to set us up several times, conceivably, to clear the field.

One such ploy was her attempt to implicate me in banking fraud. One day she called as if in distress, begged me to call her bank immediately, claim to them I am she, and give some cockamamie story and instructions. She was despondent and said it could not wait until Farhad got home from work.

When I declined to pretend to be her, she insisted. For almost 45 minutes, she pleaded and I tried to reason why it was a bad idea. (Now I know she already knew it was a bad idea!)

Ultimately, I offered to translate for her and arranged a 3-way call to her bank. That urgency subsided and Ms. Rahmani hung up on her end when I introduced myself as her sister-in-law.

At the time, it did not occur but many banks in Canada have adopted 'voice printing' to verify customer identity. Presumably to set me up, Ms. Rahmani wanted the bank to have a record of my voice calling from my number and pretending to be someone else giving instruction about an account registered to other people.


Ms. Rahmani had her reasons for endearing herself to me as she attempted to implicate me in one of her schemes and/or discredited me to others. For a long time, I did not disappoint.

Generally, I listened attentively as Ms. Rahmani spewed her tales in tandem with accolades about all that is me. I was trying to figure her 'end game'. She believed I was being accommodating.

At first, my silence which she misinterpreted as attentiveness was inadvertent. I am neither an idle chatter nor have the patience to sit through what I consider frivolous conversation. In fact, I am guilty of resorting to running my mouth relentlessly to mute others on occasion.

That impatience may be a byproduct of my early experiences – or lack thereof. That softer, gentler, 'girly' capacity to 'listen attentively and commiserate accordingly' is generally cultivated in childhood.

I did not have a sister to practice tête-à-tête with. Moreover, I am not a 'huggy kissy' type. Above all, I have met more than my fair share of people who deal with genuinely catastrophic illnesses quietly and gracefully, so am put off by those who pretend to be ill to get attention.

Most of my childhood friends were either males or as tom boyish as I was. Instead of softer, gentler deliberations about shades of pink and warm and fuzzy stuff or gushing about the latest idol, our parlays explored (what we perceived to be) more 'practical' stuff such as the ways and means of climbing up trees and traversing tall walls efficiently, and consuming the insects we sun-baked with magnifiers.

As I pretended to listen politely to Ms. Rahmani’s ramblings about her virtues and devotion for Farhad during our first few meetings, I actually felt bad for cheating her out of a more accommodating sister-in-law. I thought anyone else would be consoling her. A 'good' sister-in-law would have endorsed what she was saying and commiserated with her.

That compunction subsided when I realized that Farah Rahmani perceives her listener’s silence as validation of what she says. As long as she has the opportunity to deliver her soliloquy without objection, retort, or confrontation, she is comfortable with no participation by the other party in the 'conversation' and misinterprets that silence as confirmation.

In fact, she preferred it that way. She not only attempted to 'grease' me by praising my "wisdom to listen attentively as she speaks" and my "understanding of what she was going though" but also used my silence to legitimized her fabrications to others by emphasizing "even Farhad’s sister agrees with me". (She also used this line on Farhad toward isolating and further demoralizing him.)


Of course, all the while, Ms. Rahmani was attempting to create friction. For example, she called me to say an elder 'community member' was interested in a match between Alex and her granddaughter and had contacted her to get a 'feel' from me.

We have known that lady for a long time. She is very nice and Alex and she have a mutual affinity for each other. There was no reason why she would have felt the need to approach Farah Rahmani of all people for something like that. Only an idiot would think someone I have known for two minutes could facilitate such a thing and I knew the lady is smarter than that.

Based on what I know now, I am relatively confident Ms. Rahmani was using that ruse to get some sort of a negative reaction to report to the elderly lady. She did a lot of the type with other people.

I told Ms. Rahmani that the lady knows she can always approach me directly, with anything. I said I do not know the lady’s granddaughter personally but know their family and am certain she is a very nice young lady. I explained Alex was not searching and I am not into matchmaking for him.

That must not have been what Ms. Rahmani hoped to hear because several weeks later, someone scared the old lady by calling and awakening her in the middle of the night. When I spoke with her, she said she was not sure it was Alex but the man introduced himself as "Alex".

Based on what I know now, either the caller was one of Farah Rahmani’s 'friends' or Ms. Rahmani placed the call herself and played a recording – as she did when she called others and played recordings of Farhad.


Psychopaths are victims of their own fantasies and narcissists take pride in their ability to manipulate. At some level, Farah Rahmani may have actually believed the illusion that I was 'in her camp' because it led to some of the mistakes that ultimately subverted her plan. In effect, she put her eggs in the wrong basket by thinking that I will always support her and 'have her back' regardless of what she does and says.

By when she became the wiser, it was too late. Of course, she added me to her 'naughty list' and changed course several times but by then Farhad was out of her grasp and her original plan which I am sure had taken her much time and effort to set in motion started crumbling.

I was not a fool. I knew what she was doing and saying behind my back long before then but face-to-face, Ms. Rahmani continued to be the adoring sister-in-law for some time after the separation. She kept on the ruse and called and e-mailed to "confide" and beg me to convince Farhad to return.

It did not take much to fall out of favor with her. For the first time, after months of accommodating her by listening without interjection, suggesting she sees "a counselor to give her insight into how she can make it work out", etc. and she presuming she had garnered a staunch ally in me because of my silence, Farah Rahmani heard me say, “if things are as bad as you say, then I don’t think your marriage has a chance.”

Oh woe is me! That was the moment I lost my "best thing since sliced bread tohfeh Natanz" sister-in-law!


In their younger days, my brothers often used me as their scapegoat when their relationships hit solid walls. After a while, that reputation preceded me.

Farah Rahmani arrived in Canada in early November 2015 and I went there around Christmas. We had spoken by phone a couple of times and she had already met and spent time with the immediate family but I decided to have a Holiday dinner party in her honor to alleviate any trepidation she may have about meeting me in person for the first time and to “officially” introduce her to some of our extended relatives and friends.

That evening when they arrived, Farhad found me in the kitchen and whispered that Ms. Rahmani was very excited about meeting me in person and had brought me a special present. When I asked, he said he did not know what it was.

I greeted her warmly (regrettably, with even more passion than I normally allot people) and graciously accepted her hostess gift. A few minutes after the pleasantries, they disbursed to mingle with other guests and I proceeded to unwrap the gift.

When a handwritten card by someone I do not know fell out from inside the wrapper, I realized the gift had originally been from someone else. I immediately bunched the card with the discarded wrapping paper and crumbled them. I hoped she had not noticed from across the room but saw her looking at me when I looked up.

I actually felt sorry for her. I thought I may have embarrassed her by reading the card and recognizing it was a re-gift. I mouthed a “merci” and pretended to get busy with something else. Then, I took the crumbled bundle to the kitchen and shoved it out of sight.

I still felt bad after the party and figured to let Farhad in on the situation the next time we were alone. I wanted him to temper any embarrassment she may have felt by reassuring her. I also thought of showing him the card and having a laugh at his expense but it was missing from the crumbled bundle of wrapping paper.

At first I thought I had misplaced the card in my rush to the kitchen but, when I mentioned the incident to Farhad, he said Ms. Rahmani had mentioned taking it and had shown him the card on their way home.

What I am trying to convey is that within just a few minutes after meeting me for the first time, Farah Rahmani revealed that there was much more to her than the Goody Two-Shoes, fresh-off-the-boat-urchin persona she was presenting.

She also demonstrated that she is not beneath rummaging through people’s belongings and retrieving what is not hers – Thus no respect for others and what is theirs. Nevertheless, I continued to give her the benefit of the doubt for much longer than she deserved.

Yes, Yes! It was just a stupid card and not even addressed to me. My ethics students and I frequently debate the nature of ownership – be it a paperclip or a postage stamp. There was no stipulation as to how she expected me to use it (contrast with an employer-paid paperclip which must be used only to promote that employer’s objectives.) So technically, she gave up her rights and it belonged to me from the moment she handed over that package!

Moreover, Farah Rahmani was a guest that night with no business to go where she was not 'supposed to', inspect other people’s drawers and cabinets without permission, and take what did not belong to her.

Instead of approaching it as an infantile game of hide-and-seek and engaging in sleight of hand behind my back, Ms. Rahmani could have very easily approached me. We then could have laughed it off and I could have given her the card (and the gift).

That experience showed first, her juvenile assumption that she could erase my memory of the card by removing it from my sight; and second, her disrespect for me and for the collective family’s property – regardless of how insignificant.

I am sharing this because it presented a poignant first clue yet I missed it. It was a harbinger of Farah Rahmani’s incessant mind games to present black as white and left as right.

That was also the first of many more instances of her presuming to sneak into and around Baba's house and removing and/or pawning off much more valuable items to feed her gambling habit unbeknownst to us.


My Approach to Farah Rahmani

Ms. Rahmani’s ramblings about Farhad and others concerned me. In particular, how she depicted Farhad and her persistence in portraying him that way while professing her love for him did not make sense.

I knew something was wrong from the start but, even after recognizing she was angling for something, it took me some time to figure exactly what.


I wondered about her clearly staged naiveté and public displays as well as her over exaggerated "sweetness" toward, and "adoration", of me. I know I am nice but also know I am not that nice!

Even then, I kept reviewing all Ms. Rahmani was saying and doing, and questioning my conclusions. No one sets out believing her new sister-in-law is intent on destroying her family – much worse, actively trying to kill her brother and father!

God knows I spent many agonizing days and nights in self-doubt, pouring over the facts with hopes of a reasonable explanation. All along, instead of exhibiting any behavior that refuted those conclusions, Farah Rahmani said and did more and more to convince me she is dangerous and bent on harming Farhad and Baba.

This is what I mean when I say I detest what this situation has done to me as a person. Ms. Rahmani undermined my belief about the basic goodness of human nature. Maybe I am giving her undeserved credit even here. May be I am a fool for not heeding the signs from the beginning and for agonizing and engaging in self-doubt when, in hindsight, she was transparent from the moment I met her.


As for Farah Rahmani’s grievances about 'others', according to her, they were either "wastes" who annoyed her just by merely existing or had done something to antagonize her.

She faulted her neighbors, cashiers at grocery stores, servers at restaurants, doctors and receptionists, bank tellers and managers, police officers at cross walks and just about everyone else she came in contact with and declared each of them "stupid" and incompetent for either "misunderstanding her goodwill" or "treating her unfairly".

So I continued keeping mum and letting her talk. This time consciously for insight into her psyche to figure what was 'driving' her. Later, I became more participative when I noticed her tendency to embellish her accounts by twisting and interjecting bits and pieces of the 'truth' into them.

Likely, this was to give her claims plausibility but it also suggests lack of imagination. She basically 'filled in the blanks' as opposed to coming up with altogether novel scenarios and I obliged by giving her confusing and fantastical information to digest and pick through.


I am not a patient woman! When, after entertaining several sessions of her same-old, same-old lamentations, that broken record became intolerably jarring, I would become more expressive and divert the subject half-hoping her upcoming heart-to-hearts with me would revolve around the new topic. Ms. Rahmani did not disappoint.

For example, during one of her predictable soliloquies, she complained yet again that her "incompetent" doctors were unable to determine why she coughs so much. (She does not let on that she has suffered from COPD for years, or that her doctors in Canada concur with that diagnosis). So I suggested she consult with her doctor about potential sensitivities and allergies.

At that time, I still had not quite figured Farah Rahmani's real reason for pretending to be sick. I thought she merely suffered from 'illness anxiety disorder' (also known as 'heath anxiety', 'hypochondriasis', and 'hypochondria') and frequented doctors' offices and emergency rooms for assurance and attention.

I presumed she would find it soothing to learn that the process of detecting and alleviating allergies involves multiple tests and presents opportunities to interact with medical professionals over an extended period. I also expected she would be happy at the prospect of having an allergy because that could have given her yet another health related matter to talk about when feigning frailty to garner empathy.

I pointed out that one's body can start reacting even if he or she has had no problem before and explained that even when seemingly harmless to others, food-borne allergies, environmental pollutants, and even brief exposure to chemicals can trigger allergy-like reactions including coughs. I further commiserated that I am prone to sudden bouts of coughing when in vicinity of a variety of products.

To console her, I explained that I do not necessarily have to actively use a product to be affected by it and that it took a long time and numerous tests by a variety of specialists to determine that I have "reactive airways".

I specifically identified shakers of finely ground black pepper, cans of Lysol spray which may have droplets of the chemical on them, and poorly rinsed items formerly exposed to chlorinated bleach as some of the items which, in my case, trigger profuse coughing and allergy-like reactions even from across the room. In particular, I identified chlorine as a highly irritating substance.

I also shared the basics of the "hygiene hypothesis", told her more and more people are developing sensitivities, and mentioned that the scientific community attributes the problem in part to modern day refrigeration techniques which prevent natural exposure to agents and microorganisms that boost immunity as well as increased popularity and availability of antibacterial cleansers and bleach in recent decades.

In particular, I said one cannot avoid exposure to bleach in people’s homes and public places completely because it is a cheap yet effective disinfectant and readily available.

The next time we met, Ms. Rahmani was beset by one of her neighbors who she claimed was "breaking in to urinate in the hallway and poison the food" in her refrigerator and pantry "with bleach" when she was not around. She said her "home is reeking of bleach" and she "is suffocating there".


Ms. Rahmani regularly would come up with such calamities to motivate me to invite them on Baba's behalf to come and live at his house. One could sense her waiting patiently for an invite after she had presented yet another tall tale to highlight her case. As always, I was kind, concerned, and even helpful but all is fair when one tries to harm my family and I came across too dense to conclude that moving in was the optimal solution to her problem.

Farah Rahmani is not apt at making good decisions on the fly. Almost all of her impetuous choices were 'half-baked'. They either missed the target or backfired and hurt her. It stood to reason that her larger, more elaborate plans had taken a long time and painstaking attention to develop.

She probably found having to conjure yet another way, another thing, another reason to get through my 'thick skull' and compel me to extend that offer excruciatingly difficult.

I have to credit her for at least figuring that while I may consider other people’s input and suggestions, to be absolutely comfortable with a decision, ultimately, I must validate it independently. She needed me to be 'absolutely comfortable' to the point of extracting Alex and myself and leaving her the lock, stock, and barrel, and full access to Baba!


Support From Relatives and Friends

Our hearts are filled with gratitude toward those who have championed Farhad and this family along this journey. That did not go unnoticed. Many of you gave Farhad strength to carry on. We survived Ms. Rahmani’s hostility, aggression, and desire to disrupt Farhad’s life, and harm him, Baba, and Alex because of your support, and encouragement.

Farhad appreciates your continued love and compassion. He acknowledges his error in judgment by marrying and sponsoring Farah Rahmani and wants to amend her adverse impact as much as he can.

He has learned that, unbeknownst to him among other things, Farah Rahmani solicited thousands of dollars from distant relatives and friends under varying pretenses. He has repaid those he has become aware of and wishes to know if others have also given her money and/or items of value.


Let Down

With respect to those who chose to genuflect to Farah Rahmani, fueled her vitriol when she pumped them, bought into her spectacle, and served as her instruments, we appreciate that for some, accepting contradictory uttering by a total stranger is less cognitively arduous than accepting the most basic, easily verifiable facts.

That disingenuous disregard for blood ties and decades of intimate familiarity spoke volumes. It does not take much to recognize that Farah Rahmani is a social menace with questionable morale and motives. Even strangers who do not share blood ties with Farhad or have not known this family for decades were able to conclude that she lacks credibility and dismiss the notions she circulates as untenable and absurd.


Again, I apologize for waiting until now to release this. To spare his family and friends, Farhad put on a brave face, and for a long time, we looked the other way as Farah Rahmani and her cohorts disseminated misinformation.

At this juncture, I am compelled to call out those who take it upon themselves to admonish and instruct us regarding what they were absolutely clueless about. In such cases, I find comfort by subscribing to Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"; nevertheless, they should know that Farhad’s heart is more pure than theirs, his faith is more genuine than theirs, and God is much more benevolent than whatever and whoever they bow to.


We are not in the habit of going around and talking about ourselves - good or bad, but Farhad and the rest of this family are absolutely transparent.

We believe that talking about oneself is unbecoming and crude. We hesitate to boast of our triumphs because we think that is pompous. We also do not beat our chests over our miseries because we do not wish to impose on and/or bore people.

Above all, we do not presume that our lives are worthy of interest and/or speculation by others; however, we are, and have always been forthcoming and very open to questions even when some of those questions and the people asking them were inordinately prying and/or absolutely impertinent.

I suppose the 'untrained eye' could misinterpret humility, reticence, and disinclination to grandstand as secretiveness. I am also aware that some people seek to escape from their own lives and find catharsis by dwelling upon and meddling into other people's; nevertheless, I am bewildered by the degree to which some of my own relatives and family acquaintances are susceptible to suggestions

I am baffled further by their rational that a person who has known us for a mere two months would have a deeper grasp of our family's inner working than they could have learned by merely asking - Particularly since as she was spewing the smear they were so eagerly lapping up and circulating, that person was also imploring them to help her get back with Farhad.

Moreover, if our family is as "rotten" and "diabolical" as Ms. Rahmani was claiming, did they at all wonder how and why this 'notorious Persian version of the Corleone clan' - as she tends to depict us - had spared her, cut her loose, and allowed her to run around and badmouth it?



I was just informed Farah Rahmani is actively trolling yet another associate of the family who, despite repeated warnings, has maintained contact with her.

This family has extricated Farah Rahmani from its midst and, in the process, leveraged its legal and other resources to protect those among the extended family and acquaintances who had no business to be involved to begin with. From this point forward, those who foolishly continue to permit Ms. Rahmani into their lives – in person and/or online - are on their own!

The following is one last time for the benefit of those who have not yet grasped the danger she poses. They know who they are. So I shall not go into the details except that with our own plate full trying to keep Farah Rahmani in check, we have also had to thwart a number of her unsavory plans for several other people who could have, and should have, kept their distance from her when they were first warned.


Farah Rahmani can present well and appears lucid but, as has been the experience of dozens in Canada, pity and acts of kindness toward her do not end well. Also, as a myriad of her relatives and acquaintances in Iran have reported, no familial, cultural, moral, or legal strictures bind her.

Similarly, as her victims can attest, not only she is a scheming swindler but also she is quite volatile and prone to spontaneous and unprovoked violence and infliction of physical harm.

In addition, Farah Rahmani is a staunch believer in her own abilities and expects others to agree with her. Those who do not, fall out of favor and are subjected to her defamation campaigns and/or physical violence. This turnaround does not take much and is often instantaneous.

She went after Farhad’s coworkers only because they work with Farhad, and cashiers and clerks only because they spoke with him. She has tried to discredit her doctors, police officers, and other people. She has antagonized her neighbors including one who is a local baker and brings home leftover bread and pastries to distribute among neighbors. Ms. Rahmani accused the poor guy of trying to poison everyone in the building!

Farah Rahmani's egoism and egotism as well as her inability to control her impulses make it difficult to imagine or predict her mood or her behavior but perhaps the most disconcerting is her intractable belief in her own wisdom and intelligence. Her narcissism overcomes her ability to know she needs help and ask for it. Since she is neither cognizant of her issues nor amenable to counseling or treatment, there is no hope of her ever 'turning a new leaf'.

Regardless of how alluring some may find Farah Rahmani, she is still the same vile, dishonest, and manipulative creature who duped Farhad into marrying her to gain entry into Canada and proceeded to torture him and harm Baba and Alex.



The family is extremely grateful that Farhad survived Farah Rahmani’s peril. The confounding kowtow to Ms. Rahmani during the past several years by some friends and relatives warranted this announcement wait until now.

This is just a brief glimpse into Farhad’s ordeal. He is still traumatized and reluctant to share everything he has endured at Farah Rahmani’s hands but, to his credit, he is quite resilient.

The authorities have vowed to protect him from Farah Rahmani and there is a restraining order against her. Moreover, to help him heal from the trauma, the police have referred him to a victim advocacy organization that helps victims of domestic violence recover from their ordeals. He is moving forward and hopes to ultimately put this experience behind him.

As mentioned, in addition to a number of witnesses, multitudes of pictures and documents, and many hours of audios and videos in which Farah Rahmani attacks Farhad, there are thousands of voice mails, e-mails, text messages, and posts on social media in which she threatens and denigrates Farhad, the rest of the family, and others.

We have read / heard a mere fraction of those messages and do not plan to waste any more of our time on Farah Rahmani's ramblings; however, should she continue violating her restraining order, I shall be obliged to upload them in their raw state.


I know this is a lot but it needed to be said. I hope those who have read so far are more alert to signs of domestic violence because of this. Abuse can take many shapes and forms and be physical, sexual, financial, emotional. It can also involve isolating the victim, monitoring and controlling their activities, and cyber bullying.

In particular, male victims are vulnerable because this society thinks them "rugged" and expects them to "grin and bear" their troubles. Unfortunately, boys are raised to be less expressive about their feelings. Consequently, they are less inclined as adults to confine in their friends, relatives, and authorities if and when they are abused.

“I am living in hell from one day to the next. But there is nothing I can do to escape. I don't know where I would go if I did. I feel utterly powerless, and that feeling is my prison. I entered of my own free will, I locked the door, and I threw away the key.”

- Haruki Murakami